
The juicy Details About KindMeal.my


Go veggie today!


The participating restaurants:http://www.kindmeal.my/deals.htm

Sample meals:http://www.kindmeal.my/moments.htm

Why go veggie as often as you can?


60 billion farm animals are slaughtered each year for our pleasure. Factoring in marine lives, it reaches a whopping 2 TRILLION each year.

Most of us are aware of the issues brought forth by such widespread consumption. Inhumane farm conditions where animals live perpetually in dirty, packed and tortorous environments before being carelessly slaughtered. Animals are force-fed to introduce more fats in them, pre-emptively given antibiotics to keep them alive, incapacitated to prevent them from accidentally harming each other in overpacked environments these are but a few examples of their voiceless sufferings, unfortunate lives that are bred to be killed, to satisfy the whims and fancies of us civilized humans.

We understand that it may not be easy to become a full vegetarian, but we strongly believe that it is feasible and achievable for all of us to reduce meat consumption, be it for compassion, health or environmental reasons. If we eat a couple of meat-free meals a week, it effectively means that we would be consistently saving the lives of many animals each month which would otherwise have ended up in our bellies.

We have been accustomed to delicacies and cuisines made of meat, but it need not remain so. There exists a wide variety of meat-free food that are delicious and nutritious, and more often than not, cost less than similar meals with meat.

Get a coupon, enjoy your meat-free meal and save lives!!

Go Meatless as often as you can

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/06/07/the-juicy-details-about-k..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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