A long overdue visit to the shelter two weeks ago was greeted by this cheerful infectious bright smile from Cotton, a lovely and very friendly mama dog. She instantly reminded me of my favourite rebellious princess Snoopy =) Then I was told of how Cotton and hubby and her pups escaped horrible fate ( ie. being round up and send to local dog pound) thanks to rescue effort by MDDB. Cotton and family are now temporarily residing at our shelter until they are able to find their forever home. Cotton has 6 really cute adorable pups ( coincidentally, 2 brown (male & female), 2 white/cream (male & female), 2 black (male & female) ). That’s triple good (好) in CHinese ! :D Please do write to us if you like to give them a loving home. We truly hope that people looking for pet would please please consider adopting instead of buying. There are LOTS and LOTS of homeless furry fren out there just like Cotton and family.. desperately seeking home and love. Given a chance, they will love you back unconditionally.
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