
Updates On 30th May 2014



Our Animal Support Officers received a call on Vesak Day about a dog trapped within a canal at Tampines Industrial Ave 1.

Our rescue team arrived at the scene to find a mongrel puppy stranded in the canal, looking distressed. The puppy was unfortunately stifled in its attempts to leap out of its misery. In a rush against time, our rescue officers succeeded in hauling it above the high walls of the canal, applying the right combination of skill, strategy and, well, a catchpole.

Apart from having its nerves shaken, the puppy was found to be alright and unharmed. We thank our caller, Ms Candy Chan, who also gamely offered to retrieve it and put it up for adoption. (Incidentally, we are heartened to learn that the puppy, a 2-month-old female, has been successfully adopted, at this time of posting.)

Members of the public can, likewise, help us to help any injured, sick and/or distressed animal, by calling our 24-hour emergency hotline at 62875355 extension 9, and clear emergency cases would be given priority. Do also refer to this page from our website, on how you can help, whenever applicable: http://www.spca.org.sg/services_animal_rescue.asp

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152164289863155&se..



SPCA Singapore

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA Singapore) is the first registered animal welfare organisation in Singapore. The two main objectives of SPCA Singapore are: to promote kindness to animals and birds, and to prevent cruelty to animals and birds.

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