Hello everyone,
It’s me, Kenko. After two months, my wound healed but I realised that I was missing a hind leg. I couldn’t understand why I was unable to stand up!!!! However, everyone at H.O.P.E. had not given up on me. They tried to bring me for hydrotherapy but it doesn’t work. So, they’ve decided to install a wheelchair for me so that I can stand and move freely.
I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who had donated for my medical fees and also for my wheelchair fees. My gratefulness especially to Ellianna Jiejie, Adison Jiejie, Mei Yee Jiejie, Wee Nih Jiejie, Soh Wei Korkor and Chan Lin Jiejie for the sponsors and donations that you had given me. The patience, encouragement and care that everyone had given me, is going to make my dreams come true. As I looked back, I felt how lucky am I to have so many friends that are concerned about me. I felt extremely love.
I’m looking forward for my super duper powerful wheels to get install. I had to accept the predicament that I was in and move on in life. So if you’re ever feeling down, do remember the plight I was in. Most importantly, think of how I managed to move on with my life. If I can be strong, so can you!!! Thanks to everyone for your kind prayers, generous donations, overwhelming support and love.
Please stay tuned on my lovely photo when I get my wheelchair install.
Hugs and kisses, Kenko~~~
我是kenko..两个月后,我严重的伤口好了,但是我发现我的一只后脚不见了...我不明白为什么我再也不能站立了!! 但是我知道,希望护生园里的每一个人都从来没有放弃过我。哥哥姐姐们带了我去做水疗,但是很可惜的我失败了..所以,为了能让我再获得站起来的机会及能够自由活动,他们决定为我装轮椅。
我想对所有捐助给我的轮椅费用及医药费的您们说声 "谢谢!"。我非常感激Ellianna姐姐,Adison姐姐,Mei Yee姐姐,Wee Nih姐姐,Soh Wei哥哥 及Chan Lin姐姐..感谢您们的赞助及善款!! 是您们的关怀及鼓励,让我的梦想即将成真...当我想起这段时光,有着这么多的朋友在身边关心着我我真的觉得好幸运噢..!
我非常期待即将装上我后脚的超级火力轮子噢,我一定要好好的继续生活下去,如果哥哥姐姐们在生活中碰到不如意的事的话..别难过! 想想Kenko我所经历过的事吧,连我都能熬过这么多生命中的难关及努力的活下去,您也可以做到哦!! 再一次谢谢大家对我的祈祷,善款及无条件的支持与爱。
爱您们的, Kenko~~~
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