Updates On 23rd May 2014
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Would YOU like to be part of our army of supporters around the world and spread the word about Soi Dog?
Our Soi Dog t-shirts not only look great, they will help raise much needed funds at the same time.
FOR ALL QUERIES and to order, please email izzy@soidog-foundation.org
Available for shipping worldwide, for a donation of Ł12.00 / US $20.00 / €14 (+ shipping).
For more info on sizes please click this link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.240502776094588.1073741828.239459422865590&type=3
FOR ALL QUERIES and to order, please email izzy@soidog-foundation.org
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish/photos/a.137025..
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