
WHO Rained Urine On Me?? Poor Tabs


Oh yes, I’ve been sprayed on before – by Cow, Bunny and even Indy (the top three sprayers). I’d like to think it’s because they wanted to claim ownership and not because they are angry at me, or something like that.

Since we don’t know for sure, why not think positively, right?

Spraying is the marking of territory, hence, it is the claiming of ownership, which isn’t such a bad thing, isn’t it? It’s better than a cat wants to OWN you rather than run away from you!

So yesterday, Tabs was minding her own business, sleeping on the table in the room when suddenly, Indy came in, turned around and sprayed ON poor Tabs!

Yes, I saw it all with my own eyes.

Tabs was rudely awakened with a jolt and jumped up from her peaceful slumber.

What happened? Where’s this water coming from?

Is it raining?

Ewww…it smells….

Yucks, it’s pee…!!! Ewww, ewww….

Mommy…..Indy pee-ed on me!!!


tabs sprayed on

Poor little Tabs…I had to take a wet towel and wipe her all over.

Indy just calmly walked out to the pantry, jumped onto the pantry slab and sprayed (again!) on the pantry wall.

Then, he just looked at me, like he was saying, “I suppose you’d want to clean this up too, eh?”

Yups, I would.

What can you do about it except to clean it up, right?

Hence, Bacoff Sanitiser….you’re my lifesaver!

bacoff sanitiser

indy on bench

You go ahead and clean, I want to sleep.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/05/18/who-rained-urine-on-me-po..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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