Special Price For Primal Freeze-Dried Catfood And Dogfood
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We wish to thank all of you very much for getting your Primal Freeze-Dried catfood and dogfood from us. All proceeds go to our Fund and it has enabled us to help more street animals in their neutering and vaccination needs.
With the impending implementation of the GST, we foresee a possible increase in the prices of consumer goods, so before that hits us next year, and also in conjunction with our anniversary month (May), we would like to offer Primal Freeze-Dried to you at a further discounted price of RM108 per pack.
Product information: http://www.primalpetfoods.com/product/list/c/14
Shipping charges apply (please write in to enquire) if by post. Self-collection at Subang Jaya is greatly encouraged.
We do not keep stock anymore, so please allow one week for us to order to ensure you get the freshest possible stock from the distributor.
Please also be advised that you should consult your vet before giving any new food to your pet. Primal Freeze-dried is raw food and some pets may or may not adjust well to a new diet.
Our disclaimer holds.
Once again, we thank you very much for your support!
From http://www.primalpetfoods.com/product/list/c/14:
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/05/14/special-price-for-primal-..
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