
Breakfast At The Patio


Everything that happens at the patio is an adventure.

There isn’t a boring moment at the patio!


Breakfast was usual this morning. And while the PatioCats eat, Tabs and Tiger get their morning playtime in the garden.

But Tabs is watching someone…


It’s Willy! He is brave enough to come to the bench today!


Willy gets a treat of Monge plus Primal.

Monge is everyone’s staple diet now, but to make it more balanced, I add a few nuggets of Primal Freeze-Dried.


Willy looks good, doesn’t he?


But oh, to maintain the peace and so that Willy can at least finish his breakfast, I had to stand guard with the water-gun.

Willy’s nemeses are Mr Zurik and Vincent.


The Russian is still eating. That’s good. And Willy is already finishing his food.

Timing is important here…


Meanwhile, Tabs is having fun playing on the railroad.

I’ve been working on the railroad,
All the life long day…
I’ve been working on the railroad,
Just to pass the time away…

Do you remember this song from kindergarten?


Oh oh, Vincent is coming!

Water-gun in position!!


Timmy is polishing up.


Oh good, Willy is almost done.


Mr Zurik is still on the table. Phew!


I use the water-gun to “define” the route for Vincent so that he cannot come close to Willy.

But I only have one pair of eyes, so I hope Mr Zurik does not come from behind!

The moment I turned to check on Mr Zurik…


Vincent turned back and chased Willy down to under the car!

Oh well, never mind, Willy has finished his breakfast.


Back in the kitchen, Heidi looks for left-overs…

Primal is freeze-dried raw food, and everyone loves it except….Indy!

Indy only likes raw liver and blood (which he doesn’t get anymore nowadays)…

Me iz ze cat from Transylvania

Wouldn’t it be a blast if Indy had the above as a Halloween costume?


Costume? What costume?

Who needz ze coztume?


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/05/04/breakfast-at-the-patio/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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