Meet Little Miss Sunshine!
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Join us in reducing your consumption of eggs and chicken or better still, in not eating eggs or chicken so that chickens like Little Miss Sunshine can see the sunshine, stretch her wings and dustbathe to her heart’s content all her natural life!
We produce this again:
Love animals? Save them from slaughter. Even egg-producing hens are sent to the slaughterhouse after they can no longer produce.
Go meatless as often as you can!
Make a pledge today and rejoice in your kind deed.
Atlantansknow Sir Paul McCartney as a former Beatle and famous singer/song writer,many do not know he is a long time vegetarian.
Paul and his late wife Linda became vegetarians 1972 while living on his farm in Scotland. As Paul explained in a1992 interview, the McCartneys were living in Pauls old Scottish farmhouse where they kept lambs and sheep. Paul and Linda took care of the animalsthemselves, andspent enough time with the animals to become fond of them.
One Sunday, Linda prepared a leg of lamb forlunch. It was during that fatefullunch that the McCartneysmade the connection between the lamb on their plates and the lambs frolicking outside on their farm. From that day on, both became vegetarian.
Sir Paul is a staunch supporter of animal rights. He considers vegetarianism to be good for people, good for animals, and good for the planet. Go toPauls PETA pageto learn more about his views on vegetarianism. View the following You Tube clip to hear how he feels about the importance of vegetarianism in his own words:
Note: The video by Sir Paul is graphic. If you have already cut down your meat consumption or have stopped eating meat altogether, you do NOT need to watch the video. If you need to be convinced how much cruelty goes on in factory farms which produces the meat on your dinner table, please watch the video. This includes egg-eaters too.
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