A Call For Compassionate Eating
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A gentle reminder to eat compassionately – go meatless as often as you can!
zen habits: A Call for Compassion for the Defenseless |
A Call for Compassion for the DefenselessPosted:31 Mar 2014 07:01 AM PDT
We dont like to think that our way of living is wrong, that our beliefs are untrue, that we participate in cruelty or injustice. We want to think of ourselves as good people. I know because I reacted with anger and defensiveness the first time I heard criticisms of the sweatshop clothing I owned, of the consumerism I participated in, of the sexism and homophobic culture Id grown up in. I know because I ridiculed vegetarians and vegans when I first heard about their ridiculous abstaining from meat and animal products. And yet, we can be good people andclose our eyes to wrongdoing. This is when those who see the wrongdoing have a duty: to speak up, and call for conscience, and call for change. And call for compassion. Today I am calling for compassion for animals: defenseless, suffering, feeling animals. Our Food System I grew up in the modern world, with food brought to me already prepared, ready to eat. Microwave dinners, chicken nuggets, cans of chips, packs of beef jerky and candy: it was all the same to me. It was just Food. I knew nothing of where that food came from. If I ever thought of animals, it was animals on peaceful farms, living happy lives. But mostly I just thought of the food, the delicious, nourishing, yummy food. It wasnt living beings, just food. Of course, if we really open our eyes, these are fellowsentient, feeling beingsthat were eating. And theyre not happy or peaceful: theyre suffering, in mass factories of hormone injections, daily beatings, lives of living hell, and murder. We rightly feel compassion when humans are subjected to mass murder and genocide, under the Nazis and Pol Pot, of the Kurds, in Rwanda, and other incidences of horrible suffering and injustice. And yet, we participate in the mass torture and murder of other beings, simply for our pleasure. And sure, I will concede that human and animal lives are not equal. But that doesnt mean they are worthless or unworthy of our compassion. It doesnt mean we can treat them like unfeeling objects. Many people reading this love animals you love dogs, or cats, or bunnies, or dolphins. You would never whip a dog. You would never slash the throat of your pets after giving them a thorough beating. You feel their suffering and believe them to be worthy of your compassion. And yet, we ignore the extreme suffering of animals. Done for us. For our pleasure. No Justification I am convinced that there is no justification for the torture and murder of the animals we raise for our food. Id probably kill an animal in self-defense, or to save my children, or to save other human lives. But were not talking about the choice between killing humans or killing animals. Were talking about the choice between killing animals, and not killing them. There is no justification for killing these animals. A few reasons commonly given in justification: Health: Some people believe that eating meat/chicken/fish or dairy/eggs is necessary for health. This is demonstrably false: vegans are (on average) healthier than non-vegans. Sure, they might have to pay special attention to a few vitamins (B12, for example), but thats actually really easy and not a worry. I have been vegetarian/vegan for years, and I am healthier than Ive ever been, and regularly check out as extremely healthy on all tests. Im only one case, but theres a large body of scientific literature on thegreat health of vegans(with exceptions, of course not everyone pays attention to their health, and some people follow crazy vegan diets like fruitarianism, etc.). But anyway, its entirely possible, and not very difficult, to be healthy on a vegan diet. Its possible to be healthy on a non-vegan diet, but my point is that you can be healthy either way so animal products arentrequiredfor health. What it boils down to is this: the only reason to eat meat or other animal products isbecause you like it. For your pleasure. And to me, killing for pleasure is not justified. This is not an indictment of you as a person. Youre a good person, as am I. Its an indictment of the food system we grew up in. A Call for Change Its possible to change the system. We cantry veganism. Its not hard, its actually enjoyable once you get used to it, and it can be very healthy. You can join me in feeling compassion for our fellow sentient beings. Dont close your eyes. Dont act out of defensiveness. Dont participate in mass torture and murder. Withdraw from the horrors of the current food system, advocate for a plant diet, push for change. Now that youre awake to the suffering of animals, you too have a duty to help others see whats happening. Desperate situations call for those who are aware to speak up, or they are complicit in the deed. Stand ye calm and resolute, And if then the tyrants dare, With folded arms and steady eyes, |
We have a choice!
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/04/01/a-call-for-compassionate-..
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