Updates On 25th Mar 2014
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Hello everyone, its me Hero all the way from the USA. I have been at my new home about two weeks now! I have never been so happy! I love my new family so much! I especially love cuddle time with my Mommy! My sisters and brothers are so cool! They are teaching me many things and love to run and play with them in the snow!
My mange is slowly clearing up. I went to see my new Doctor and she said I am doing very well. On Friday I had my first Reiki and Aromatherapy session which I absolutely loved. I am on a special diet for my skin and my immune system and it actually tastes very good! I went to work with mommy last Saturday and I met so many nice people. I really love my Aunt Mary, she makes me special chicken that is so yummy. I think Im maybe a bit spoiled, but I love it! Thank you so much Soi Dog I would have never found my new family without you! XOXOXOXOX
Source: http://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish/photos/a.1370257..
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