Catherina Tay is a cat rescuer and feeder from Melaka. Recently, she brought Jackie and Wye Wye (both about 5 months old) for spaying at her vet's. Jackie, if you remember, is the little kitten who got stuck in the shoplot for 2 days and we were frantically trying all means to get her out (we finally succeeded!).
Both cats are doing fine now. The spaying is subsidised from our funds.
Since there are more and more rescuers asking for financial help from all over and we cannot possibly provide enough panel vets in all these places, we will be happy to give rescuers a subsidy (based on our rates). If you would like to use this service, kindly do the following:
Write to me first, at (to check if we still have money!) If so, please provide:
1. A photo of the animal (preferably after being spayed-neutered) sent by email. 2. The original receipt posted to my address (please contact me at Please post the receipt as soon as possible; it must reach me no later than 2 weeks from the date of the receipt. 3. Your word that it is a stray or rescued animal. We'll work on trust, shall we?
If we work together this way, we can help more animals and reach out further.