
Animal Awareness Day At Universiti Malaya (18th March 2014)


mini-Animal Awareness Day

Today’s the day!


The ever-helpful Universiti Malaya students were on hand to help us.


Thank you very much for giving us this opportunity to share with the audience about what One-Street CNRM is all about.


Dr Vellayan telling the audience about exotic pets, which species can be neutered and which should not be. It was really interesting to note that for some species, only the males should be neutered while for some, only the females. And for some, though they are kept as exotic pets, they should not be neutered because we want them to breed so that their species will propagate.

It was also interesting that Dr Vellayan makes the owners take an oath that they will look after and safeguard the wellbeing of their exotic pets and that should the owners pass away, they must have already made plans for someone else to look after the neutered exotic pets. This is to ensure that the neutered exotic animals will not be abandoned.


Dr Suresh emphasizing the need for the awareness of kindness to animals to spread far and wide. He said that the various groups of people must get together to consolidate efforts and brainstorm on how the awareness can be extended further.


Dr Yvonne reading the citation for the two winners of the iconic award for neutering.

mini-Edward Lim, Iconic award on Neutering Program

Mr Edward Lim, manager of PAWS.

mini-Koo Swee Por, Iconic award on Neutering Program

Mr Koo Swee Por, independent animal rescuer.

mini-Invited speakers

Invited speakers and guests.


Connie manning our booth.


Koo brought four ginger siblings and two of the females were adopted!

These two are the males. This family consisting of the mother and 5 kittens were abandoned when their owner moved away. So far, three have been adopted. These two are left. If you are interested to adopt them, please contact Koo at ttdicat@gmail.com.


Koo and his wife, Tan See Mun.

This is a DIY cage, made with materials from Daiso.



It makes a suitable cage for transporting little kittens.


Even this lock is from Daiso.


The little kitten exploring our table.


Aww…  Won’t you take me home, please?


Which tshirt would you like?


PAWS brought cats for adoption.


At the end of the day, only one cat was adopted.



Some of the student helpers.

mini-Dr Yee Ling with donation

Dr Lau Yee Ling, with the donation box.

mini-U R My Pet House and Subang Pet shop

Products from U R My Pet House and Subang Pet Products.


When they closed for the day, U R My Pet House donated all their products to us.

We sold some of these items at our booth. The unsold products will be donated to Maslinda Abd Talib (catfood) and Susan Bell and Margie Tan (dogfood).

mini-Student volunteer

We would like to thank Dr Veeranoot Nissapatorn and her team for organising this event, supporting our work and raising the awareness for animal welfare.

Our thanks also go to the following:

Donations from:

Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine (MSPTM)
Assoc. Prof. Dr Vellayan Subramaniam, UiTM
Yi Ching Wong, Genmerix Science
Joshua Chong, Accuflex Sdn Bhd
Ho Yew Fei, All eights Malaysia Sdn Bhd
KC Kong, Geneion Bio

The supplier of the vegetarian food fair and pet products (Ms Sum Siew Ping, U R MY PET HOUSE SDN. BHD (100% donation and Ms Amy Lim, Subang Pet Products (10% donation))

Staff volunteers:

En. Mohd Afiffudin bin Mohd Ali
En. Mohamad Sazali bin Jamil

Student volunteers:

Leader: Goh Xiang Ting
Emcee : Kalyani Raman and Reena Leeba Richard

Abdulyameen Hajeekkhadae, BrandonMong Guo Jie, Cheewarat Srithongchun, Dhurga Devi D/O Balakrishnan, Ian Liew Wee Xin, Kalyani Raman, Nabil Ahmed Nasir, Narong Jaturas, Lee Soo Ching, Lorainne Angal, Mohamad Azlan Abd Majid, Nava Yugavathy, Ng Yit Han, Reena Leeba Richard, Sylvia Joanne, Syahfriena Amir Rawa, Tee Mian Zi, Thulasi Kumar, Tooba Mahboob and Yap Nan Jiun.


The one who made it all possible and worked the hardest – Dr Veeranoot Nissapatorn, here helping Uncle Charles of PAWS in loading the cats back onto the van at the end of the event.


Thank you very much, Dr Veeranoot.

We are truly grateful for your tireless efforts in helping the animals.

By the way, how did our auction go? Next post, please…

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/03/18/animal-awareness-day-at-u..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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