
Tiger Day 8


Yesterday, I heart dropped when I found new sores on Tiger. But granted, the existing spores probably have to germinate, so I think that’s what is happening. Everything has to come out.

Besides the new sores on that front paw, I later found a few more, but all on the left side of his body. However, these sores were already very dry and looked like they were shrinking.

Here’s two photos of the same new sores, the one of the left taken at about 4.30pm (I applied Lamisil cream immediately) and the one on the right taken 5 hours later, last night.

mini-PicMonkey Collage

After 5 hours, the new sores looked less inflamed. I can only hope that this means Tiger’s body is fighting the infection with the help of the medicines and immune boosters.

This morning, Tiger gave me the merry-go-round when I tried to apply the Lamisil cream on his sores. He took his medicines obediently, but he didn’t want to cream. So I went upstairs, downstairs, chasing after him. When I am at home, I don’t cage him since no other cat is in the house. At least he gets to run and relax a bit. He goes back into the cage at night when we sleep, and even then, I can hear him whining occasionally.


The new sores that appeared yesterday look markedly diminished this morning. In fact, the lower one is almost gone.


The old sores are also drier.

I don’t see much changes in the sores on the hind legs, though. It was impossible to take photos of those sores and I didn’t want to stress Tiger out. It was hard enough trying to catch him to apply the cream onto his sores, especially those on the hind legs.



Playing with the string toy to take his mind off his sores.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/03/14/tiger-day-8/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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