The same caregiver who rescued Waffles, had been spending time and personal resources to feed and befriend stray dogs in an industrial park in her compassionate bid to help the management of stray dog population in a humane way.
She noticed this mommy dog that was heavily pregnant and step up efforts to provide more nutritious food for her and her unborn pups. Initially, the mommy dog was evasive and managed to give the caregiver the slip whenever there was attempt to trail mommy dog to find out the den and the puppies.
Finally, she was successful after a few weeks to win the trust of the mommy dog and was brought to a drain where the pups were kept.
The puppies were 3 weeks old by then and one puppy had very obvious wounds. All the pups and mommy dog were rescued and this particular injured pup was taken to Vet immediately.
The vet suspected the injured puppy was bitten by rats as it was too weak to fend for itself. A huge chuck of it's neck has been chewed off. Unfortunately the injured puppy was too ill to be saved and had to be put down.
Other puppies were rescued and were moved to a safe and quiet spot, at the far end of Singapore; where the environment is condusive for mommy dog to recover and nurse her remaining pups in peace.
The last report from their fosterer is that the puppies are putting on weight fast and are spotting a glossy coat each!!
Throughtout her ordeal, mommy dog has been sweet and trusting to her human rescuers. She has been named Truffles. Together with Waffles, both were rescued on the same night!!
It is decided that Truffles will be sterilised after she finished nursing her pups and will be put up for adoption.
Till then, we will also keep you posted when these puppies are ready to be adopted. They are Ben and Jerry; although we cant decide which one will be Ben. Do give us your feedback on this. Here's a photo of the 2 brothers, aren't they cute?