Waffles was sent to the Vet last Friday for check up and her bandage was removed as the vet wanted Waffles to start using her hind leg.
She is still afraid to put weight on her leg. You can see the attached picture of her x-ray - there is a bone pin inserted into her leg.
The vet said it was a bad fracture but good in a way because such fractures heal easily and because she is very young (estimated at 3 mths), bones will fuse back rather quickly.
Waffles is recovering at a fosterer's home and will see the vet again in 2 weeks time for another x-ray.
If all goes well, she will have the bone pin removed in another surgery some 3 - 4 wks later.
Thank you everyone for your donation and concern and we will keep you posted further on Waffles recovery.