Lady with a bandaged ear, looking verry sorry for herself. Our volunteers have visited Lady at the animal hospital. Her wounds are being cleaned twice a day and there are still new maggots found each time they cleaned her wound. Until these creepies are eliminated, Lady cannot be discharged. If maggots are left in her wound, they will start breeding again.
Lady has been reported to be eating well, which is a good sign for her fight for survival. However, during our visit today, her mood seems to have dipped a little.
Previously, she would wagged her tail whenever she was patted. Today, she turned her head and looked away when we did the same.
Maybe she missed her son, the little Prince.
We managed to capture Prince with the help of the 2 Myanmarese workers who knew of his whereabouts. Prince was filthy but otherwise a healthy little pup estimated to be at 8 weeks old. He was brought home to a fosterer who had him cleaned thoroughly.
He was full of ticks and despite being bathed 10 times, the water still turned up black!!
Prince is a smart lad and learned to pee and poo in the toilet by observing the other dogs in the house. He wasted no time in getting himself familiar with his new home and was soon engaged in a play of chase with his new found friends with not a care in the world.
With a new roof over his head, he happily tucked into a big bowl of puppy chow with his tail wagging furiously.

Little Charming Prince - son of Lady; the rescuers thinks that he has GSD blood in him. Our volunteers had wanted to bring puppy to meet mommy but the vet tech had advised against such a move as both dogs have yet to be vaccinated. As Lady is very weak and pale, her immunity is very low. Any bugs or virus would be a deadly threat to her recovery.
Hence the plan for mommy and puppy to be reunited will happen this weekend after Prince's first vaccination.
Nevertheless, we are thinking of ways to cheer to Lady up. One idea is to rub a towel on Prince and give the towel to Lady.
Hopefully, Lady can smell her son on the towel and that will bring hope to her on the path to recovery.
Do you think that's worth a try?
Stay tuned for Lady and her Prince's reunion.
Read also "NA Rescue - Lady (Mongrel)".
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