We have been visiting Lady daily and bringing her regular fix of liver, gizzard and eggs kindly donated by concerned well-wishers. She laps it all up. She is looking a little more perky but unfortunately, things don't seem to be looking good for her.
We managed to speak to the Vet today and was told that they discovered a new wound under her jaw. There are more maggots developing again and today alone, they took out many live ones. Despite this, her eyes seem a little livelier.
The Vet said she can be discharged in a couple of days time, however she needs to have her wound cleaned twice daily and the maggots removed from her wound. We have not decided where she can be housed for the next two weeks after discharge.
The most ideal place is to house her at the animal hospital where there is expertise to look after her.
However, due to mounting medical bills; we need to look for an alternative and cheaper avenue not only to house her, but also find some one who can clean her wounds and remove the wriggly maggots.
Subsequently in about 2 weeks' time, she is to go back for another surgery to have her entire right ear removed.
We were concerned that the surgery would affect her movements and balance. The Vet mentioned that there was no way to save her ear and furthermore, she probably has already loss her hearing in the affected ear.
We discovered Prince has a lot of scars and little wounds on him. It is likely that Lady was trying to protect her son and was mauled by other dog(s) in the process.
Lady has had a tough life but she is a survivor and we are determined to do our best to help her see this through.
We thank everyone who has emailed us with kind offers to foster Lady, friends and well-wishers who have gone to visit her and people who have donated to Noah's Ark to help us with Lady's rising medical costs.
We're touched to know you care. According to the Vets, Lady will need to remain at the hospital for a few more days.
The first night at the hospital, the Vet tech told us that she slept so peacefully right through till morning. It must have been the first time in her life that she had a good night's rest, not having to worry about the rain, the heat, dodging heavy vehicles, protecting her puppy nor fighting for scraps on the roads.
Stay tuned to this page to join us on Lady's road to recovery.
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