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Friday, 27th Jun 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES

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Lady sitting at the Vet, patiently waiting for her turn to see the Dr.

Lady arrived at Mt Pleasant (Whitley) in a pet transport. The pet transporter said she was well behaved and enjoyed looking out of the windows during her journey. At the reception, she waited patiently for her turn, occasionally dragging us out to sniff other dogs! This is a vast difference from when we last took her out. Then, she was not interested in anything or any dog and was basically in a world of her own.

Dr Nan checking Lady's ear. Dr Nan could not see the ear canal. Lady has lost the function of her ear.

When it was her turn to see the Dr, she was examined by Dr Nan. When Dr Nan removed the bandage, she literally squealed in excitement, calling Dr Dennis Choi in to take a look at the wound too! It had healed so well. Both Drs were absolutely amazed by her will to live and her recovery. Her flesh was fresh pink and there was good tissue growing. Both DRs commented on how sweet and good natured she was and hoped that she would be adopted.

Dr Nan then examined Lady's ear but could not see the ear canal. Lady has lost the function of her ear but the good news is she will not have to have that major surgery to remove her ear. She CAN keep her ear! It was absolutely amazing and those that were in the clinic with her were moved by her will and determination to live.

Close up of Lady's ear.

We recall the day we saw her stumbling on the road and the awful stench of rotting flesh when we drove past and how she allowed us to rescue her without a struggle. We recall how much blood she had lost and that she was in a state of shock. We recall our first thoughts of putting her down, mainly not to prolong her pain and suffering but with our belief that all dogs should be given a second chance, we told the Vets that we would monitor her for 3 days and then decide.

By the next day, our minds were made up and we never looked back. And needless to say, we're glad we did what we did. Volunteering for Noah's Ark and being the voice for the animals is fulfilling and rewarding when you see the abused, neglected and injured animals allowing themselves to be helped and greater satisfaction when they recover and remember you for helping them. This is the reward.

Edward, Mt Pleasant's Vet Tech and Lady's first love - cleaning her ears.

Lady has gone back to the pet hotel where she will remain for another 2 weeks before she sees Dr Nan again. Puppy Prince has recovered from his ordeal and will visit his Mommy on Sat evening. We hope this will lift his spirits.

When the bandage was removed, the DRs were amazed at her recovery and her will to live. Her flesh was salmon pink with new tissue growing.

We would like to thank everyone for their concern for Lady, friends who have bought meats and supplements for her, cooked for her, prayed for her, visited her - THANK YOU!

Lady is indeed a lucky Lady - graciously receiving many visitors at her "hotel" and enjoying their company. Stay tuned for her update in 2 weeks time.

We hope she recovers well and perhaps would make a special guest appearance at our upcoming National Dog Walk 2008.

  • Date: Aug 3 2008
  • Venue: West Coast Park
  • Time: 10am to 7pm.

Look out for Lady and the Prince!

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