


C’mon peeps! Let’s show some support for our contestants and start “LIKING” your favorite photos.

Your “LIKE” can help increase the contestant’s chances of winning. What are you waiting for? Get your fingers working and click…click…click!

SPCA SEBERANG PERAI would like to officially announce the launching of a Photography Contest, entitled “A Stray’s Life” in conjunction to April, 4th World Stray Animals Day; the day to show Compassion, deploy initiatives to Care, and get into Action for stray animals all over our planet.

April, 4th is the worldwide celebrated day to give special attention to the stray animals in the world.

The aim of this contest is to make-known to Public the hard life of a stray fighting for survival on the streets.

Many sees them as ‘pariah’ but we think otherwise. These animals has the right, as much as we do, to live a fulfilling life. Not running around aimlessly in hunger and thirst, risk their lives being abused by cruel humans and running away from dog catchers.

We hope that through this contest, we can encourage more people to participate and work with us in building a more compassionate animal loving community.

To enter, simply follow these three (3) easy steps:

1. Send one (1) of your best photos on stray animal(s), at least 1MB, along with your name and Title of your photo to this email address: spcaseberangperai@gmail.com

2. All photo entries will be published on SPCA SEBERANG PERAI’ s Facebook page during the competition period. Encourage your friends to “Like” your photo to increase your chances of winning!

3. The competition closes at 5pm Monday 31st March. Our judges will be reviewing all submissions & announcing the winners via Facebook on Friday 4th April.

Start sending your best shot NOW!

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151995736388581&set..



SPCA Seberang Perai

The SPCA Seberang Perai is a society registered in September 2005. Our primary aim is to reduce the population of stray animals or possibly a zero stray population in a humane manner. With lesser strays or no strays at all, the loving value of animals will be greatly increased and you can be sure that humans will shower more love for their pets and be responsible pet owners. The problem should not only be shouldered by our Society as the public must also understand the urgent need to control the pet population and give their whole-hearted support to all our projects for the undertaking to be successful. Then we will achieve a clean and hygienic environment for the community. As a no killing organization, we are embarking on a two-prong approach towards the problem i.e public education and sterilization of the stray animals.

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