Did you know that Euthanasia kills six to eight million animals in the United States every year? And this is only in the States, what about the rest of the world?
Yes, it is shocking to the mere individual. As it is near impossible to ensure that every animal in the world is sterilized, the result means that there will be numerous unwanted animals for whom homes cannot be found. And shelters are already working past its maximum capacity.
This leaves them with no option but to euthanize the endless number of animals streaming in.
Why the emphasis on sterilization?
When you spend time with us, you will hear our constant urge for pets to be spayed or neutered. Pay a visit to Noah’s Ark or any other local shelter and you will get an idea of the high number of unwanted animals produced and left to die each year.
You see mixed-breeds and purebreds of every size and shape and we strongly believe that none of them ought to be abandoned .
** Please note some of the following pitures may make you uncomfortable.
An extremely pregnant bitch, due to give birth anytime. With sterilization, she would not have to go through this and there will be no puppies nor any suffering for the puppies. Puppies born in the drain. In danger of drowning if it rains.
2 to 3 week old puppies in drain huddled together for warmth.
Puppies with eyes hardly open, estimated to be 3 weeks old or less.
Puppies born in industrial site.
Puppy been bitten by scavenging rats.
Unwanted puppies. Out of 6, only these 2 survived.
Pregnant dog scavenging for food. Note the heavily swollen teats.