Truffles originally gave birth to 6 puppies, but only 2; Ben and Jerry had survived. Since then, both have been adopted into very loving families. Please do not assume that this happens to every puppy as many are put down due to the fact that there are too many.
We are very glad when there are happy endings such as Ben and Jerry. Noah's Ark doesn't believe in euthanasia and would prefer instead to put those not so lucky ones at NANAS once they are of age.
To keep them at NANAS however, we run entirely on funds from donors and wellwishers!
Please help us this area, open your hearts and your wallets and contribute to our good cause!
Snoopy (formerly known as Ben), was a stray puppy that was adopted by my family and I about a month ago. I had always wanted a dog, and when my friend raved about Ben and Jerry to me, I was eager to adopt one.
After consulting my father and elder brother, we decided on Snoopy. In the pictures that my friend showed me, Snoopy was macho and handsome with well-defined features. He was a brave little one too, not flinching when he had to go for his very first vaccination.When he first arrived, he was very naughty. During the first half week, he got on everyone's nerves and bit everything that he could reach.

Still teething and chewing on his very own first bone.
He destroyed newspapers and tore them up when we tried to toilet train him. Snoopy seemed as if he was trying to test our patience and his boundaries. Initially, he was temperamental and unpredictable.
When scolded, Snoopy would duck under the table or the sofa and hide there till we gave up. However, by the 11th day we could see the gradual change in him. Now he listens to me and becomes more obedient. Yet, he is quite a smart aleck, trying to bite the toes and fingers of other people who will not beat him instead. That time when I smacked him really hard for being naughty, he quietly sat next to me and snuggled there as if saying sorry. 
Too tired after a long walk and had to be carried home. Everyday I would bring Snoopy down for a walk, but for some reason, he never wants to pee or poo outside. If we took an exceptionally long walk, he would whine, as if holding his bladder. The moment we reached home he would immediately do his business. He also seems rather attached to his new home. Usually when we take a walk, Snoopy is inquisitive and curious, sniffing this, smelling that, biting this and playing with leaves on the floor. After walks, I would call out, "Okay we're done, lets go home!". Instantly, Snoopy would perk up the moment he hears the word "home" and would suddenly walk faster. He is even more anxious to get home than I am!
Pei Shan and Snoopy bonding.
As of now, Snoopy has learned how to sit and my younger brother has taught him how to paw! He is not only smart, he is also street-smart. There was an evening when it was very warm and knowing my younger brother turned the air-con on, he sneaked into my brother's room and slept underneath the table, enjoying the cool air. He is bright and full of energy, just a tad bit mischievous. I discovered that he likes licking my ears because if I lie on the floor next to him, he would trot over, sniff and lick my ears happily. Strange dog!
We still have a problem with his toilet training. Sometimes we would have to trick and lock him in the kitchen till he has finished his business. Too many a time he has messed up the house and my poor housekeeper has to clean it up. I think he knows he is not supposed to pee anywhere except on the newspapers in the kitchen and would sometimes speed off when he sees me staring at him.
I am glad I adopted Snoopy and welcomed him into my home. As the days go by, he will certainly grow bigger, but he will always be that little puppy in my heart. Article and pics are contributed by Pei Shan who adopted little black Ben aka Snoopy.
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