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Tuesday, 23rd Sep 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES

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We visited Noah’s Ark last Saturday. It was as usual, the best time of my life!

Princess greeted me and never left my side. Long Jeans, my sponsored Dashund, was happy to see me. My siblings, Andre and Andrea, and I spent some time at the greeting area before we proceeded to explore the other parts of Noah’s Ark to greet the horses and the other dogs.

As it rained that morning, some of the grounds were still muddy. Some time in the afternoon, Princess and I were on our way to the stables, walking along the pond when I suddenly slipped and almost fell into the pond. Instantly, I pulled her fur on her back in an effort to stop myself from falling. She turned around and gripped her jaw gently on my wrist that grabbed her back, helping me regain balance and preventing me from falling into the pond. She saved me from a soaking and scolding from my mother! Princess never stopped licking my hand for a few minutes, ‘asking’ me if I was alright. I think she knew her teeth sunk a little deep into my wrist while trying to catch me, causing some teeth marks and a little pain, but there were no deep wounds.

Oh Princess! You saved my life! How can I ever thank you! My Dear Princess!

When it was time to leave, we felt so sad but promised our ‘friends’ that we’ll be back soon after our school exams!

Wait for us! We'll be back!

- Written by Andreana, 9 yrs old. Edited by Mommy April.

Do you see 2 Princesses together in the picture?

Andreana hugging Longjean with Princess in the background. Princess seems to be in every photo...

I had a great day during the Nanas tour on Sept 13th because I think I did something really meaningfull. I was with Andreana, Andre, Andrea and Auntie April selling apples and carrots at a dollar each to the visitors. Most of them were hanging around the cats’ quarters or at the dogs’ quarantine area near the horses stable.

We walked around carrying two heavy bags of apples and carrots asking whether they would like to buy some for the horses. We received quite a variety of "no thanks" but some nice people who put donations in the donation cans told us to feed them on their behalf as they had already walked past the stables. The donations were a mix of Ringgit and Singapore dollars. We even had an uncle and aunty put in our donation can ten Ringgit for an apple and a carrot. We thanked them for their generosity.

That evening, we were so tired but glad that a lot of the visitors bought our apples and carrots to help the animals! That means more funds are being raised for Noah’s Ark!

- Written by Emily, 9 yrs old. Edited by Wombat.

The 2 lovely girls smiling for me: Andreana & Emily

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