Updates On 17th Feb 2014
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“Close your eyes,
Draw a tight box in your head,
Place yourself in it,
Breath slowly,”
The neighbour next door just being dragged out,
All pens are empty now, but yours,
You are the last they say,
The distant squeals of death have ceased,
You heard your gate open,
You plead for another life in your head,
Wondering what this was all about,
Dragged out,
Struggling and fighting,
You couldn’t fight the full grown arms and cold eyes
At your last squeal,
You turned to say goodbye to the only home you knew
Everyone’s gone and quiet now.
“I know of no other animals [who] are more consistently curious, more willing to explore new experiences, more willing to explore new experiences, more ready to meet the world with open mouthed enthusiasm”
- anonymous -
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151988318211523&set..
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