A volunteer has been feeding this stray puppy and his siblings since he was barely two months old. Previously, he had 8 other siblings that played happily together. Over the next few months that she continued feeding him and his family, his siblings gradually started to disappear. Within two short months, little Buddy was the only puppy left – having lost all his other siblings to industrial accidents. The current survivors are only Buddy and his Mommy. Buddy, now all of 5 months old, is a cute little boy that is extremely close to his mommy. Yet he is sociable, friendly and probably one of the few stray puppies that would allow a belly rub on the cold, coarse pavements of an industrial site.
On Monday night, when the volunteer went to feed little Buddy and his mommy, only Mommy appeared. Bravely, the volunteer bravely went into the construction site to search for Buddy and was told by the workers that his lower back and hind legs had been rolled over by a lorry on a Sunday afternoon. Out of compassion, they had carried him to a safer part of the construction site. It brought tears to the volunteer’s eyes to see the happy and cheerful Buddy simply lying in the corner, wagging his tail but no longer able to stand. The volunteer laid the food on the floor and Buddy ate whilst lying down, all this while his tail continued wagging. It broke her heart to see little Buddy in so much pain and discomfort. As it was late at night, she told the workers she’d be back first thing in the morning to take him to the Vet.
 Buddy sitting quietly at the back of his transport van
Tuesday morning the volunteer took little Buddy to Mt Pleasant (Sunset Way). X-rays were taken and it revealed that Buddy had his pelvic bone broken in 5 places. The lorry had rolled over him on his right hind leg, causing severe damage to his pelvic bones. Dr Simon Quek said that although Buddy would still have control over his bowel movements, he might never fully regain the use of his hind legs. Even if he were to have a surgery, he may never recover fully. Yet, if the surgery was not done perfectly, it would cause pain and discomfort throughout his life, not to mention arthritis at an early age. From that, the volunteer understood that only a few vet surgeons in Singapore would be able to carry out such a difficult surgical procedure. Dr Quek then advised us to take the x-rays and seek a second opinion with regards to little Buddy’s surgery.
 X rays revealed that Buddy's pelvic bone is broken in 5 places and the impact of the lorry on his right hind leg had pushed his pelvic joint further in.
Wednesday came and Buddy had a steady flow of visitors, all touched by his unfortunate plight. Despite having cooked food and visitors, Buddy lay quietly in one corner, his body against the cold metal cage. Still, there seemed tremendous courage in that tiny body of his. Wagging his tail upon seeing the volunteer that often fed him, he courageously dragged his tiny body closer to the gate of his kennel in order to get closer to her. For a long while, he simply laid quietly beside her, closed his eyes and allowed her to pat and stroke him. He even lifted a paw for her to hold! The volunteer's eyes welled with tears as her heart was wrenched with sorrow seeing her favourite stray puppy in such a pitiful state.

Buddy leaning against the cage watching the world go by. A world that he couldn't be part of for the moment. It is sad to know that innocent puppies are born into a world of callousness and carelessness. Worst of all, these puppies are only noticed, showered with love and attention when they are in great pain and in need of help. We can never stress enough the importance of sterilization (Please click here: http://noahsarkcares.blogspot.com/2008/09/project-industrial-dogs-importance-of.html) as that would be the only humane solution to curbing the stray population. Buddy’s siblings have all gone to doggy heaven and currently, we are unsure to what his own fate would be. Thankfully, his Mommy was finally caught last week and sterilized – at least we’re assured that she will no longer have to go through the painful birth process and watching all her puppies perish one by one.
Presently, Buddy lies in his kennel at Mt Pleasant – hurt and lost, tearing ever so often. His eyes are a reflection of his soul, a soul that was born to be free. But here he is, injured and unable to simply be a happy puppy. Do you think it is fair for a 5 month old puppy to go through such pain and sadness? In fact, is it fair for any dog ever to go through such torture from human carelessness and selfishness?
 Cute little Buddy resting in his cage. Dr has ordered 6 weeks of cage rest. We hope his bones will fuse back so that he can be saved.
We are indeed blessed to have some kind friends who have made an appointment and sponsored Buddy to seek a second opinion today. They will take him and his x-rays to the Vet, who would then inform us if a surgery will save him or if we need to let him go. . . . . . .whatever the decision, we know that we have done our best.
Latest Update With the kind sponsorship of some friends, Buddy was seen by Dr Jean Paul Ly. Dr Ly mentioned that Buddy was still in shock and it was not advisable to operate on him at this point in time. Instead, Dr Ly recommended that Buddy should have cage rest for 7 days and before returning for a review. During the review, more x-rays will be done and perhaps a decision may be made to let Buddy go ahead with the surgery if he is strong enough by then. In the meantime, Buddy will be staying with a fosterer for a week and we are sure he will be showered with lots of TLC during his stay with them. Do stay tuned to this blog for updates on little Buddy . . . and please do keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
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