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Sunday, 26th Oct 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES

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Dear readers,

Over the past week, we've had many enquires regarding Buddy. Firstly, thank you all for the constant emails and calls asking about Buddy and his condition. We're greatly appreciative of both the assistance and emotional support that has been rendered to us. For the link on Buddy's story, please click here: http://noahsarkcares.blogspot.com/2008/10/buddys-misfortune.html

Currently, little Buddy has already gone to see Dr Ly for his second review. No x-rays were done on this second visit as Dr Ly felt that he would like to give Buddy another month of complete bed rest before carrying out more x-rays to determine his condition.

Previously, little Buddy's anal passage was initially narrowed after the horrific accident. As a result, he needed to be on medication which would help soften his stools so that he would have an easier time defecating. We were pleased to know that after some checking, Dr Ly noted that the anal passage had widened slightly and Buddy seemed to be well on the way on the road of recovery where that is concerned.

Occasionally, Buddy is unable to control and will leak some pee but Dr Ly has assured us that there is no cause for worry. After all, Buddy had been in an awfully dreadful accident and as his still recovering, it was normal for all this to occur. Thankfully, we were told this would eventually stop as he gradually recovers.

Buddy taking a well-needed rest - he has a catheter on as he was unable to pee for the first 2 days.

If you are wondering where little Buddy has been for the past 10 days, we are pleased to inform you that he has been staying with his 2 awesome fosterers, Tim & Jaqueline. They have been very caring and attentive towards Buddy and taking good care of his every need.

Daily, Buddy is provided with two yummy meals. This is a far cry from his previous life as a stray. As a stray, he was lucky to be able to find a meal every few days by rummaging through the garbage looking for edible food. Moreover, right now he has access to clean fresh water in his play pen. After having to drink dirty muddy water whilst living on construction sites since his birth, this constant flow of fresh water must taste like the finest wine money could ever buy.

Buddy feeling safe and relaxed, so much so that a huge yawn escapes him!

Buddy is a very lucky boy and to be constantly showered with much love and affection. As Buddy is still unable to walk properly, Tim & Jaqueline, along with their helper Maria, take turns to carry him downstairs four times a day to a grass patch for a pee and a poo before carrying him back to his play pen. Also, Buddy also gets on fantastically well with their other dog, Meemok. They can’t play as of yet as Buddy is unable to move around. Despite all this, they seem to have become fast friends, constantly sniffing each other out and wagging their tails as if saying hello! Buddy has also seen two cats up and about in his fosterer's home but he hasn't been too inquisitive about them yet.

Enjoying some sun on the patio after his very first bath to help dry him off.

For the next one month or so, Buddy will continue to stay with Tim & Jaqueline until he is due for his next review with Dr Jean Paul Ly. We hope and cross our fingers that with ample bed rest, his little bones will eventually fuse back together on its own. Do stay tuned to this blog for more updates on little Buddy. Do keep little Buddy in your hearts and your prayers!

Photographs courtesy of Uncle Tim.

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