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Monday, 17th Nov 2008, by Noah's Ark CARES

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A volunteer has taken the little dog to Mt Pleasant (Sunset Way) and he was seen by Dr Ang. In fact, Dr Ang raved about how sweet he was! She estimates him to be about 10 years old, and possibly a Maltese but we wont know till his fur grows back.

This is a typical dog abandonment situation, where people dump their dog once it grows old and is no longer fun or cute. Sigh, if only there were strict laws to punish such irresponsible people.

This little dog is now with a friend and we are currently looking for a fosterer for him. Someone who will love him and give him the security he needs, especially since his vision is not very good. He also has a mild skin condition and a bad case of ear infection. In fact his ears are so swollen that Dr Ang could not even fit a tiny cotton bud in to clean and check. Hopefully, this fosterer will be able to care for him for two or three months while we let him settle down. We did not carry out further tests on him as he is extremely stressed. Dr Ang is scheduled to see him in a week's time and will possibly conduct more tests on this little dog, whom we have named Jeremy.

Let's all pray that this little dog finds some love and happiness soon.


This poor little dog was found in a cardboard box, thrown in an industrial estate, alongside some parked motorbikes at 3pm. Fortunately a kind passerby noticed him or else he could have died in the heat. The person who found the dog immediately called Noah's Ark. When he found the dog, he told us that the dog was crying, as if it was in pain. Its fur was so badly matted, he described it "like super glue". While waiting for the volunteers to take a look at the dog, he took the initiative to shave off all the badly matted fur. The picture you see here is after the dog had been shaven. This kind soul even bought the dog a collar while waiting!

Grossly neglected

Volunteers checked the dog and noticed that although the dog appeared well-fed, it was grossly neglected. The nails of the dog had not been cut for a long time, he had sores on his skin and had difficutly walking. Despite some rotting back teeth, the dog had rather clean front teeth and was estimated to be between 3 to 5years old. During the whole time, the dog trembled non-stop.

Looking at him, his sad and sorrowful eyes stared right back at us, silently pleading for help. Upon closer examination, we noticed that his vision was also not very good. We put him down and he bumped into walls while walking. He also was unable to respond when we called. Volunteers will take him to the vet in order to do a full medical check up and check if his vision can be saved.

Can you help him?

Despite all that he has gone through, he is such a sweetheart. Why would his mean owner cruelly abandon him in a cardboard box in the afternoon heat? Why did they they suddenly decide to dispose of him? Is it because he is losing his sight? Or was it because of their neglect that had actually caused his loss in vision and hearing?

Our fingers are crossed. Should you wish to contribute to his medical bills, or give him a better life that he deserves, pls email info@noahsarkcares.com

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