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Friday, 27th Feb 2009, by Noah's Ark CARES

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Rescued on 23 July 2006
Passed away peacefully on 21 February 2009
Estimated age: 9 yrs old
JoJo was the second spokesdog for Noah's Ark in 2006,
helping to raise funds for her fellow fur friends
May she rest in peace

Dear Readers,

It is with a heavy heart that we are writing to inform you that Jojo Schnauzer passed away peacefully at 9.30am on the 21st of February.

3 years ago, Jojo Schnauzer was lost and wandered the streets of Geylang aimlessly. She was tired, hungry and missed her home dearly. One morning, she was quietly sitting at a coffee shop hoping to receive a bite. A kindly man, Mr Tan, approached her and upon seeing how hungry she was, set a plate of food down in front of her. It was her first decent meal in days! Jojo happily wolfed down her meal as Mr Tan walked around the food stalls, asking if anyone would like to adopt her. One stall owner initially agreed to take her in but had second thoughts and changed her mind. Because of this, Jojo was then sent to a nearby home for the aged in the hope that she would be adopted by someone else.

The next morning, Mr Tan returned to the coffee shop to check on Jojo but was told she was at a home for the aged. He was extremely upset to see that she had been confined in a bird cage. (http://noahsarkcares.blogspot.com/2008/04/jojo-schnauzer-cum-editor-of-noahs-ark.html) This was when he first contacted Noah's Ark and a representative came down to see her.

The representative decided that Jojo deserved a chance at being rehomed and subsequently sent Jojo for a medical check-up. Despite being 6 years old (as estimated by the vet), she passed all the necessary tests with flying colours! Subsequently, she was adopted by a kind lady who cared for her till the day she crossed the rainbow bridge.

These are what some friends of Jojo have to say:

A special contribution by a volunteer

Jojo was part of a team of Noah's Ark's road show dogs. She attended doggie events and school talks that educated children about the importance of sterilization, microchipping, the work of Noah's Ark and to adopt rather than buy a pet. Jojo helped Noah's Ark since the time she was found and adopted in 2006. It was mid 2007 when she retired as she started to become exhausted from the road shows and outings.

After her retirement, Jojo spent her days at home playing with her siblings and going on occasional outings. On Feb 14, 2009, Jojo attended her sibling's birthday party. Holly had recently turned 2 and held a birthday party to raise funds for Noah's Ark. Jojo had a good time at the party but when she arrived home that evening, she had blood in her urine. The next morning, her owner immediately took her to the Vet where they spent 4 hours at the Vet doing every possible test to find the cause of her being so unwell. She did a Complete Blood Count, had her urine tested, x-rays taken - but the Dr attending to her could not find anything wrong with Jojo except for some crystals in her urine. She was given antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicine before being allowed to go home.

The next day, Jojo was back to her normal self and there was no more blood in her urine. She was fine for three days and on the fourth day after the visit to the Vet, Jojo suddenly became listless and had a loss of appetite. She spent the day sleeping and refused to eat all day. The following day, she simply refused to eat and just lie quietly in a corner. Her owner was extremely concerned so immediately took her to the Vet again as Jojo usually loves her meals and seldom refuses food. It was close to midnight when they headed for the Vet.

On the way to the Vet, Jojo was very quiet in the car and did not move at all. She didn’t seem well and her breathing became extremely laboured. Just before we got to the Vet, despite not having eaten for two whole days, Jojo threw up a lot in the car. Upon arrival, she was immediately put on a drip. Blood was taken from her and another x-ray was done.

The results of this recent test was a far cry from her normal results just barely a week ago. Her intestines and kidneys were inflamed and her heart looked abnormal. We were shocked and could not fathom the drastic change! The Doctor mentioned that JoJo's kidneys were very stressed and suggested we let her stay a few nights in the clinic.

We bade her farewell and headed home. Little did we know that was the last time we saw our darling Jojo alive. The Doctor called the owner in the morning at 9.30am and said Jojo was not doing well and we should come to see her. Before we could even leave the house, the Doctor called ten minutes later to say that JoJo’s kidneys had shut down and she was gone. She had been on a drip all night but all the fluids that went in did not come out. She did not urinate at all. Her organs had not been functioning well. The Doctor said she vomited a lot again just before she passed on.

When we arrived at the vet, we saw that they had laid little Jojo on the table in a private room and covered her bloated stomach with a towel. We kissed our darling Jojo goodbye for the last time. I felt that her body was still warm and could not control the wave of tears that threatened to fall. At the very least, Jojo seemed at peace after a night of struggling. We spent some time with her in the room and arranged for her to have a private cremation. Despite having her for only a few short years, she was more than just an adopted dog to us. She was part of our family.

We never knew why Jojo was abandoned, but we are glad she was a part of our lives. It was our greatest joy and honour to have spent three happy years with Jojo and we hope we brought as much happiness to her life, as she did to ours. We regret not being with her when she left us but I am sure Jojo knew that she meant the world to us, and that we loved and cared for her dearly and miss her tremendously. Jojo will always hold a special place in our hearts and will always be loved by us. SHE made a difference in our lives. God Bless Jojo.

JoJo in the middle with her friends Popsicle(left) and Snapple (right)

Eulogy by Mommy Lynda

It has been three years since JoJo first arrived in our home, but I recall clearly the first day JoJo spent the first night at our home, she was a sweet darling and a very good girl. In the middle of the night she would go to the bathroom on her own to pee and poo. Immediately, I saw that she must have had an owner previously as she was very well trained.

The next morning, I did what I had to do by placing advertisements with the press under “Lost & Found”, informed the relevant authorities, SPCA and AVA, that I had found a lost dog. Had it been my dog that was lost, I would have been devastated and I would have missed my dog dearly. But after a month had passed, no one ever came to claim JoJo.

There were many callers who called when the ad appeared in the press, all looking for their lost schnauzers, but none fit JoJo's description. I was initially hopeful that JoJo would be reunited with her owner, but as the days and weeks passed, my hopes were dashed. I realized that perhaps JoJo had been abandoned and not lost.

After more than a month, my family decided to keep JoJo. During this month while waiting to be claimed, JoJo had spent many nights sitting on my mother’s lap watching television. It was the first time that my mother had ever allowed a dog to sit on her lap. JoJo and my mom had become rather close and I came to the conclusion that perhaps JoJo belonged to an elderly person, which would explain the bond she had with my mom. JoJo liked to follow my mom around the house, watch my mom cook in the kitchen and keep her company while she read or watched TV.

JoJo gradually taught my mom to interact with dogs and I am so glad that it opened my mom’s heart. Before JoJo came into our lives, my mom showed no interest in dogs. Since JoJo came into our lives, I often heard my mom talking to JoJo, which was something she never ever did before. I was astounded and touched by this and felt extremely blessed to have Jojo.

Every morning, when we awoke, JoJo would look for my mom first without fail, as if it was her duty to keep watch on her. Just last night, my mom commented that the house was now so quiet without JoJo around. When JoJo was around, she would watch television with my mom and would “grumble” if it was past their bedtime! For the past few nights that grumbling is no longer heard, but we can still picture JoJo in our house, snuggling to sleep in her favourite spots.

Whilst JoJo was with us, we took her to road shows to interact with people and children. JoJo also volunteered her time and interacted with the kids at a Children’s Home, teaching children about guardianship and that owning a pet is a lifetime commitment.

Jojo (left) visiting a sick friend

Out in the park with Fur Friends

We also shared with people the beauty of adopting an older dog. These older dogs that enter your lives are grateful to you for adopting them and giving them a second chance in life. No doubt their life spans may be shorter, but if you can help by giving them a few good and happy years, why not? JoJo made a difference in the children’s lives she touched, and will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Jojo (2nd from right) at Pawtobello

Dear JoJo,

We will miss you dearly and we will remember all the good times that we had together with your fur friends.

You were a good girl and you had always been a joy to the family. We are thankful that you did not suffer much during your last days but you left us so suddenly and we were not prepared for your departure. We are still shocked by your passing.

We wish that we had more time to say good bye. We will remember the times we had together on 14 February ’09 at US Doggie Bakery with all your fur friends. I hope you had a good life before you left us.

JoJo, now that you have crossed the bridge and over the rainbow – please go and say hi to all your other siblings and tell them that I still miss them and will always remember each and every fur kid of mine.

May you rest in peace.

Mommy Dearest

Outing with with Fur Friends

Eulogy by Holly (Mini Dachshund), 2 yrs old

Dear Jie Jie JoJo,

Thank you for being my playmate and for allowing me to bully you and pull your beard and pull your ears each time we played. I know you loved me a lot, which was why you sat patiently while I naughtily pulled your beard and your fur. I know that I am the youngest at home and you always gave in to me like a big sister.

I am sorry that I had been a naughty brat and that I bullied you, but I know that you adored me.

With love,

Eulogy by Nikki (JRT), 14 yrs old

Dear Jo,

The house has been pretty quiet without you around. I miss all the arguments we had most mornings and evenings. Now that I have no one to argue with anymore, life has been rather dull.

I know that we’re both pretty old and we were constantly at loggerheads with each other, like our fellow two legged human folk – but at the end of the day, we were still best friends right? We would share our cozy beds together and we ate together during meal times.

When dogs get older – we all go through the same process, we tend to sleep more, forget things, argue as to who is right and who is wrong – and we never give in because we are always right! The truth is that although we get on each other’s nerves all the time, we love and need each other all the same.

Farewell my friend, till we meet again in heaven.

Love your controlling old mate,

Eulogy by Prince (Mongrel), 1 yr old

I knew Jojo especially loved belly rubs and snuggling up next to warm bodies. Like any other dog, she enjoyed treats and pats. She was always ready to greet me with a goofy smile whenever I came to visit! It was great having to grow up with Jojo as part of my foster family. I miss her dearly and am sad that I'll no longer be able to play with her anymore.

Love from a regular visitor,
Mr Prince Mongrel

JoJo, this is a special post from all your fur friends. We miss you greatly, but we are comforted knowing that you are happy where you are. We take comfort in knowing we will meet again someday. Rest in peace.

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