The drain canals in Lim Chu Kang Chinese cemetery smells of death. When the dogs know that their days are numbered, they will wait quietly for death to come inside the drain. BoBo was one of the unfortunate dogs. She knew exactly how tortuous the wait was.
During one of my feeding rounds, we heard her "engine-liked" breathing and that led us to where she was hiding. It was deep into the drains. We were unable to reach her, a bamboo stick was used to shove her out. Out came not only BoBo but heaps of rubbish. It answered our question of the missing dog as we had not seen her for days during our routine feeding.
To our astonishment, the lower portion of her left leg was rotten, her feet was gone and there was a deep rounded cut mark around her ankle. Red raw flesh can be seen and there was kerosene smell as well. We could tell from her eyes that she wanted us to stop her misery.
Vets examining Bobo's hind legWithout further ado, we sent her to the vet. As usual, the vet's first question to us were "What are you going to do if she manages to survive the ordeal?", "How about putting her to sleep?" etc. We were at a loss but we were sure that every living being has a purpose in life on this earth.
We asked the vet to save her and we will worry about what to do next later. Her left leg was amputated and she recovered pretty well within two weeks. Being left with so little to defend herself, we knew that it was impossible for her to go back to the cemetery. That place looks deceptively safe. Countless dogs were either abused or poisoned and laid dead unknowingly in their own "coffin".
BoBo after surgery, had to have her hind leg amputated
BoBo coping with three legsIn a desperate attempt, we made a SOS call to Lynda and hoped that Noah’s Ark can accept this poor dog. She was very kind to say yes....and that was how BoBo landed at the animal heaven. This was not without costs. BoBo had trade-off her leg to exchange for the ticket to Noah's Ark. At least we know she's happy there, not needing to worry about food, water or shelter again.
After a good swim at Noah's Ark
BoBo enjoying the freedom at Noah's ArkWith limited resources, we cannot afford to put all the dogs at Noah’s Ark or pet kennels. Our hearts weep when we know there’s so much to be done but yet so little was done.
The feeding at the CCK Chinese cemetery continues……
**Story contributed by Lee Kim Hong