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Thursday, 7th Jan 2010, by Noah's Ark CARES

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Dear friends of Noah's Ark,

Most of us are familiar with Raymund Wee and know him as the Founder of Noah's Ark. Have you wondered though why he has devoted his life, and continues to do so for the animals? Here's your opportunity to get a deeper insight into this man who has given a big part of his life into making Noah's Ark one of the largest private animal sanctuaries today.

Raymund will be featured in "Different Faces", a programme on the Okto channel on TV, this Monday 11 January, from 9:30pm. "Different Faces" is a series featuring inspirational stories revolving around people from different walks of life. It aims to portray the power within each of us to affect positive changes in the lives of the people close to us and within our community.

See: http://oktonite.sg/highlight/index.htm#1

In the case of Raymund, you will find out more about how his steadfast passion in leaving a legacy of love for the animals has brought about positive change, not just to the people in our community but importantly, to the animals who need it most.

And if you have yet to visit Noah's Ark, this programme will give you a glimpse into this sanctuary that is home to more than 1,000 animals, and that Raymund calls "home". We hope through the programme, you will have greater conviction about the work that Raymund and all the volunteers do, with passion and commitment, to ensure that Noah's Ark continues to thrive.

Details are as follows:

Date/Day: Monday 11th January - Okto Channel
Program name: Different Faces
Air time: 9.30pm (2130hours)

Below are a few photos that were taken by a volunteer during filming so as to give an idea on what to expect.

Raymund sharing Duchess' (black dog Raymund is holding) story on air. When she was a puppy, someone slashed her body and cut the webbing of her front paw with a pair of scissors. This causes her to walk with a limp as she is unable to balance properly.

Raymund visiting Mak Jah during the filiming. Mak Jah (81 yrs old) is a kind old lady who helps stray cats. Every penny that she earns goes towards purchasing food for homeless cats. Raymund provides medical assistance to her cats as medical fees are too expensive. Mak Jah even brings home dead cats for burial as she will never allow a cat to die on the streets.

Raymund helping a cat who's head was eaten into by maggots, causing it to lose an eye. The Cat is now being nursed at the sanctuary and on its way to recovery.

Raymund visiting Mdm Fung's dogs that are kept in a temple. He provides the dogs with medical care and aid should they require it.

If the dogs could talk, they would say, "We love you Daddy Raymund!"

For those who have not seen the beauty of Noah's Ark, this is a good opportunity for you to see what we are all about. It is also to help you understand the work we do and why we do it so passionately. If you would like to visit, stay tuned to this blog as we will be opening up the slots for our March Tour very soon.

Please don't forget to watch me on TV!

If this spurs you on to make a personal visit to Noah's Ark, please stay in touch with our blog, as we will be announcing the dates and details for visits happening in March. So, please remember - Different Faces on Okto, Monday 11 January, 9:30pm, and catch the moving story of Raymund Wee and Noah's Ark.

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