If you don't already know, the entire proceeds from this movie premiere were going to help Mr Tan's three dogs, [See
http://noahsarkcares.blogspot.com/2009/01/home-alone-for-christmas-mr-tans-story.html] ensuring they will be happy, comfortable and remain together as one family. The monies raised will be used to pay their medical bills, the exportation and transportation to Noah's Ark and their upkeep at the Sanctuary - where they will live out the rest of their lives. Like Hachiko, they will never be reunited with their Master here on earth, but we are sure that Mr Tan will always be etched in their memories, and someday, they will meet again.
A special thank you to Vernon Cornelius of The Quest fame, for doing the opening introduction and sharing his experiences about Noah's Ark.
Lynda Goh, VP of Noah's Ark thanking the crowd.Antoine de Saint-Exupery once said
"Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You remain responsible, forever, for what you have tamed." We will always be responsibile towards our pets that are very much part of our daily lives. If you do have a dog at home, do remember that you are the world to him/her, and you are very much obliged to take care of them for the rest of their lives. Do remember that you mean the world to your dog, and you should never question their unwavering loyalty and unconditional love towards you. Their whole being revolves around you and be sure not to ever forget that!
Thank you for joining us once again for this special movie premiere.
As William Shakespeare put it, "What is the city but the people"? Likewise, what is Noah's Ark, without people like you?
Till the next time we meet, take care!
**Photographs were taken and contributed by Jean Qingwen Loo. Visit her at http://logue.sg