If you been to JB or M'sia and travelled by the 2nd link, most likely when you make the return trip to Singapore, you would probably stop for petrol at one of the nearby gas stations (yes, the petrol is relatively cheaper!). Of all the available stations, have you stopped at ESSO on the way out? Have you taken notice of the many cats / kittens playing and running around the gas station's boundaries, caught them taking a nap under motorcycles or seen them slinking away into the bushes?
Cats sitting outside ESSO
For the volunteers that go in weekly, we noticed that the cat population was booming! More often than not we would see smaller cats trailing behind the older ones. Previously, the cats and kittens were friendly and extremely sociable when we stopped by to refill our gas tanks. They would come up to us and weave in between our legs, clamoring to be scratched and stroked. Being animal lovers, we would grab two cans of tuna/sardines from ESSO and treat the cats to a meal.

Nancy, a volunteer, trying to trap a cat that wasn't easily lured by food
 Playing the waiting game
However, lately we noticed that most of them were wary of humans and dashed off to hide in the bushes should we try to approach them. Even the smell of yummy tuna/sardines on the ground were not able to lure them out anymore. They would only come out to eat when we left! This could probably be attributed to the population boom, causing most of them to become a nuisance and danger to drivers, hence they will be shoo-ed or scared away?
Sterilization is the best solution to this.
Raymund, the founder of Noah's Ark, who lives on the Sanctuary itself initiated the move to sterilize the cats and kittens at ESSO JB after being told of the population boom. Remarkably, he managed to capture the cats on his own. Yet, the problem emerged when he had to release them back. To do so, he would have to pay the toll to exit the area with the gas stations, make a U-Turn before being able to head back to the Sanctuary in Pekan Nanas. That would waste both petrol and money!
 Cats in JB seem to be more trusting...
 Cats inspecting the pet carrier
 Raymund trapping the cat with sardines from ESSO
 Another cat that was easily lured with ESSO sardines
To solve this, he worked in tandem with the volunteers. It was arranged that Raymund would first catch the cats and bring them to the Sanctuary for sterilization. Then on the way home, the visiting volunteers from Singapore (who come up to unload donated food and items) would be the ones who released the cats back to where it came from after its sterilization.
 This cat was sterilized the week before. As you can see, she is really friendly!
 A cat being released after sterilization
 Freedom again!
Such efforts help ensure long term sustainability in the local cat population and help prevent unnecessary loss of animal lives through culling, accidents or abuse. To achieve this, Noah’s Ark needs your help! You can help by transporting the sterilized cats to the station when you return to Singapore from Noah’s Ark. Alternatively, you can also help by donating to the cause! Every bit counts. Contact Noah’s Ark at info@noahsarkcares.com today!
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