
Heidi Went Missingbut Came Back!


Heidi is an elderly cat who literally came running to me on 15th July 2013, early in the morning.

Here’s how Heidi came:http://myanimalcare.org/2013/07/15/heidi-a-member-of-tabs-inc/

Based on whatever I know, I’m 100% sure Heidi was a pet previously. She doesn’t have any feral behaviour at all. How she came to be waiting for me at the culvert that morning, I don’t know, but Heidi has stayed ever since.

The vet said she is an elderly cat, no less than 7 years old and had lost most of her teeth. Also, she had already been spayed because she has never come on heat. That’s what we can do if we can afford to wait 2-3 weeks when we rescue a new female cat. Wait…instead of rushing to open up the cat (and find that she has already been previously spayed).

Well, yesterday, Heidi gave us a scare.She went missing for an hour and did not turn up for dinner (She has never not turned up for food. Late, maybe, but she always comes within minutes). We searched everywhere but she was nowhere to be found.

After searching for an hour, I saw a cat-figure at the playground running back. It was 4.30pm and no one was at the playground at that time. I wonder why Heidi was there…


Here comes Heidi!

Every morning (now that King William has lost his dominion of the playground), Heidi hangs out at the basketball court with everyone and anyone there. She is very people-friendly.

At other times, she is either in our porch (she has her very own little box at the shoe rack) or inside the house, mostly on the sofa.


This is her latest favourite spot in the house now – a comfortable little niche in the TV rack.


And she sleeps for HOURS on end.

That’s one of the benefits of adopting an elderly animal!

You also need not cope with all the teething and training problems anymore as elderly animals are quite set in their ways. What you see is what you get. But being elderly and more mature, they are also more perceptive and can more easily adapt and adjust. To be fair, adapting and adjusting have to come from both sides, of course. You’ll find that elderly animals often have a sense of gratitude and will adjust to please you.

But on a more serious note, elderly animals are often abandoned and their chances of getting adopted are less than the cute infant animals, so do consider adopting an elderly animal, giving him/her shelter, good food and seeing him/her through the second half of his/her tour on earth. Everyone deserves that.

The benefits of adopting an older pet:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-karen-becker/pet-adoption_b_1470661.html

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/01/18/heidi-went-missing-but-ca..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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