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Wednesday, 24th Mar 2010, by Noah's Ark CARES

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The tour to Noah’s Ark this coming Saturday is FULL. Thank you for your enthusiasm and we hope you have a woofing good time. In the meantime, please read this article and look forward to this Saturday!

Finally got myself down to Noah’s Ark! Have been meaning to go, but was told to wait till the dry season otherwise we wouldn’t be able to walk around the grounds. I heard about Noah’s Ark through some animal lover friends from KL who went to visit sometime last year and were in absolute ‘awe’ of the place – that had me intrigued and needing to go!!! Working in a hotel, I had a project of getting rid of stuff we wanted to donate for a good cause, and what a better one than to our four legged friends who give us unconditional love, right? So that was the plan. So here was Aidah (Marketing & Communications Manager) and myself driving off with a van full of goodies to so-called animal paradise, which is exactly what Noah’s Ark is!!!

Joy giving the horses a treat
It was just 45 minutes from JB city, having taken a wrong turn somehow and back-tracking a bit, we finally arrived and were welcomed by Lynda and another volunteer, Fiona, who presented us to even more welcoming 4 legged sweeties! Every shape and size – barking their ‘hellos’ in unison. Can’t remember all their names, but will eventually since I intend to visit as often as my work-load dictates.

Joy and Rico
I can’t deny that I fell in love with more than one, one of which is Rico who is a total gentleman! Another adorable brown standard Daschund who was in the infirmary as he just had an injury and had to be confined…can’t remember his name tho’, but he is one of the ones that I’ve sponsored, and big old Mr. St. Bernard, Mozart - a few who grew on me in the few short hours while I was there.

Being sniffed, licked and jumped on with excitement by my new-found friends, I was in heaven!!! I was told that the animals were friendly, but I didn’t realize just how?? Having grown up with a house full cats and dogs myself, I have had my fair share of moody buggers who you just don’t bother with when they have that look in their eyes. But at Noah’s Ark it wouldn’t be much of an exaggeration to say that all were loving and just wanted to be your friend.

Joy and Mozart
It’s been a few weeks since my visit and the feeling of satisfaction I have is still fresh in my mind! Walking through the grounds being ushered along by my four legged friends as if asking me – ‘don’t you love my home? Isn’t it great here?’ was an excellent experience. Dogs running free, horses relaxed and cats so affectionate was a dream come true to an animal lover such as myself. When you think of the population of dogs and cats at Noah’s Ark and every single one of them just happy to meet you, as if saying ‘Welcome to my home!’ as opposed to visiting other animal shelters where you feel the animals are crying out to you – ‘Take Me Home!’ was a relief to say the least. At Noah’s Ark you know in your heart that each and every one of them is loved and cared for in spite of just a handful of ‘slaves’, as they fondly call themselves, that dedicate their time to Noah’s Ark.

Aidah and Mozart

Joy giving Pipit all her attention

Hope you enjoy the photographs that Aidah and I took of our field trip to Noah’s Ark, where I just may become a permanent fixture. Enjoy them, or better yet, make a trip down yourself and spend the day picnicking with friends and giving a little TLC to the Noah’s Ark family. I can assure you a de-stressing day, and you will definitely make these four-legged friends happy with just a little of your time and affection for them.

Contributed by Joy Faber. Photographs by Aidah.

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