Updates On 15th Jan 2014
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ANOTHER ROOFTOP CAT: Hoping for Rescue Soon
Here is another photo of one of the kittens living on a rooftop in Turkey. Volunteers are feeding this family of kittens and their mother along with hundreds of other street dogs and cats daily. There is now and offer to bring this little family of cats to the United States and funds are being raised to cover their vaccines, spay/neuter, transport cages, etc. All in all, it will cost about $1,500 to get the entire family to safety and away from the people who are threatening to poison them.
May today bring joy to all of you out there who share your kindness with the animals you’ll never even meet. This is the boundless love that saves thousands of lives each year.
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=680762861947029&set=a..
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