On July 25th 2009, SMU PAW went down to Noah’s Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary in Johor. This was our third trip but this time, we were armed with paint brushes, newspapers and paints; all ready to give Noah’s Ark a well-deserved new coat of paint.
For the uninformed, Noah’s Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary is an animal shelter based in Pekan Nanas, Johor that is home to a thousand over animals; dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, horses and even monkeys – most of them abandoned by their previous owners. Noah’s Ark does not euthanize the animals but lets them live out the rest of their lives in happiness and eventually, pass on with dignity.
 Watching you just in case you change your mind
 Hmm, are you really going to paint my home?
With so many lively animals at Noah’s Ark, it’s no wonder they needed a new coat of paint! We started the day early, leaving for Johor at 9am and reaching just in time for a short introduction of the sanctuary and its history by Noah’s Ark volunteers. We were split into three main groups in charge of three different areas – the main house, the new rabbit sanctuary and the horse stables.
 Painting the outside of the newly built rabbit hutch
 Makeover at the horses stables
Most of us had never painted before but we all learnt on the job. Knowing that we were doing this for the animals made us work even harder. But what made the trip just so much fun? The energetic dogs that kept running around us while we were busy re-coating the walls!
SMU students helping to give our walls a makeover:
 Lynda, VP of Noah's Ark, helping the students to paint too!

 Every now and then, a few mischievous ones would dip their noses in the paint or smear their bodies with wet paint, so at the end of it, not only were the shelters painted, the dogs were too!
 Ooops sorry!
 Can you paint faster please? I need aircon!!! Even though it was our third time there, it would always feel like the first. And no matter how many animals are abandoned, no matter how many animals eventually end up in Noah’s Ark because they are unwanted, whenever people visit them, they are always happy and so loving to them; to us.
Indeed, to err is human, to forgive, canine.
*Article and photos contributed by SMU
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