The animals who have no voice, can only look silently at you when you are mad at them and kick them, tie them up all day on short leashes, starve and beat them, or dish out the most horrendous physical inflictions that no animal would ever inflict upon another.
These animals were at some time someone’s pets that had become too much of a
nuisance or too expensive to maintain or had simply outgrown their cuteness and cuddliness and the novelty had worn off. Putting perfectly healthy animals to sleep just because the owner wanted an easy way out, in truth just shows the shallow and frivolous nature of human beings that can just shirk and caste away anything that is too much of a hassle to be bothered about.
Ironically from this evilness can come true greatness when animal lovers rise to the occasion and go far and beyond for their slithery, single, two, three and four legged friends.(three legged from accidents and abuse)scaly, feathery and furry animals. This is all happening at Noah’s Ark where I was invited to visit. There are 800 dogs and 600 cats, snakes, horses, birds and a monkey too. Fortunately for the innocent and loveable animals Noah’s Ark exists, to give the animals a chance to live out their lives in peace and dignity. They are fed and cared for by a dedicated group of people that live to serve them by having them spayed and healed of their illnesses, and taking care of their general well being.
A truly overwhelming number of animals who have been
abandoned, abused and forsaken by their owners are just waiting to be adopted by loving and responsible pet owners that want a more mature pet who will be loyal and faithful to you whether you are rich or poor, fat or thin, or in a good or bad mood. Are you that special owner that deserves to take on a special pet and be ready to take on the responsibility of a precious living creature and look after them in sickness and health?
If you are, then you fall under the category of true greatness too.

I shall end this letter by saying a big thanks to Noah’s Ark and a behemoth thanks to all God’s beautiful creatures that keep us warm and make us humane and teach us the real meaning of unconditional love.
Warm regards,
Michele Leaye
Canada, British Columbia, Abbotsford

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