Happy Tails From SPCA!
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DECEMBER 2013 – Back in 2009, as a thirteen-year-old Mexican girl with no English skills whatsoever, I desperately needed some company in this Malaysian new country that I had just moved into with my family. My family, my best friend, and I headed to the SPCA facilities with high hopes of a new feline friend and surely didn’t come out disappointed. As we walked in, we could hear the meowing coming from approximately twenty different cats that came in all shapes and colors you could think of. As difficult as it was to chose a kitty from all, my friend, Frida Eriksson, pointed out at a cinnamon-colored, striped, local kitty that just stood out and I just knew we had to be together. For only a few bucks, my family and I adopted a cat which became one of the friends I value the most. Her uniquefur color made us give her the name ‘Canela’ which stands for ‘Cinnamon’ in Spanish. She was malnourished and traumatized from the streets, which made her transition a bit difficult because she was hesitant to trust new people. I still remember the day she hid inside one of our bed mattresses during the first few days of her arrival. Slowly but with lots of back massages and tummy rubs, daily portions of fancy canned food, a new cat partner in crime known as Rocky, we are proud to say Canela has adapted to the new luxurious lifestyle. My family and I owe the SPCA for giving us the sweetest but craziest member in our family household, and we are happy to say that Canela will be joining us along with Rocky in our return to Mexico this week. This kitty changed my life when I needed a friend the most, and my family and I are more than happy to be able to provide her an even happier future back in our country where a private garden filled with toys, Mexican cat food, boxes and yarns, and lots of animal lovers who we call my friends await her. Thank you SPCA for the joy you brought us all these years and the ones that await me and my parents (Monica Rosas and Alfonso Corona) with her!
~ Monica Elena Corona Rosas
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152226800056209&set..
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