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Saturday, 18th Dec 2010, by Noah's Ark CARES

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Dear Friends, Supporters, Members and Volunteers of Noah’s Ark CARES,

With 2011 beckoning, there is much to reflect for all of us at NANAS. The past year has marked several changes for the Ark even whilst we steadfastly continue not to lose focus of why Noah’s Ark CARES and the sanctuary exists. We are ever grateful and thankful of your unstinting commitment and support by those who believe in us.

Thus it is only very appropriate that we mark the end of 2010 with a huge thank you from all of us at NANAS to all of you.

However, the sad reality facing us and other animal welfare groups is the increase in number of animal cruelty cases. The more notable ones being the appalling conditions of puppy mill dogs to the most recent incident of rabbits being sat upon.

Sadly, growing affluence has not equated to greater humane treatment of our companion animals. Ironically, it appears that the reverse is closer to the truth. This is because growing affluence has made it easier for more people to “acquire” a pet . Unfortunately, there has not been a proportional increase in awareness of what responsible pet ownership entails. Too often a “pet” is seen as a possession that has been purchased and therefore an asset to dispose of or treat as one pleases.

Thus Noah’s Ark CARES remains strongly committed and supportive of continued efforts by AVA, SPCA and the animal welfare groups who advocate Responsible Pet Ownership (RPO) education. Ignorance of RPO is as much to blame as complete indifference for the less than humane treatment accorded to our companion animals.

The Committee has decided to endorse and publicise RPO and will dedicate 2011 to actively promote RPO with more talks and active sterilization programmes.

I believe with the sanctuary as the “largest single animal owner” – (1,000 animals) – we are hard coding RPO in the projects we run and the running of our sanctuary. We practice active sterilization for all our animal residents at the sanctuary as we do not wish to have unwanted litters. Likewise by “owning” our animals at the sanctuary we have covenanted with them that we are bound to give them a loving home, provide them with adequate food, shelter and medical care for them to live out their natural lives. Understandably, such responsibilities do not come cheap and there is a huge price tag to it all.

So please try to understand when we are unable to help every animal in need that is brought to our attention – it is definitely not because we lack the compassion or desire to help. But simply due to the more practical considerations of how can we afford to take care of yet another animal.

It is and will always continue to be a struggle annually to make ends meet. As such, we are extremely grateful and appreciative of the successful outcomes of our various fund raising events.

So with the festive season drawing near, may we appeal to you that you too will consider giving our animals a reason to celebrate Christmas. As such, if you have still stockings to fill and gifts to get, please do consider purchasing some of Noah’s Ark merchandise. We have more than 1,000 2011 calendars as stocking fillers!! Check out our Christmas merchandise post on the 9th of December.

Thank you in advance for your generosity to our animals as your help has allowed us and will continue to allow us to be responsible pet owners.

So from all of us at NANAS - may we kindly take this opportunity to wish all of you a Merry X’mas and a Happy New Year.

Yours faithfully,

Chew Gek Hiang (Miss)
Noah’s Ark Cares

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