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Monday, 27th Dec 2010, by Noah's Ark CARES

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This year, Noah's Ark CARES is pleased to announce its third-year-running Movie Screening. The show that will grace the screen this year would be "Kinako: Police Dog Dream" and you, yes you, are invited to join us for a special screening on the 4th of January 2011 (Tuesday). For a short synopsis, continue reading on!

Movie Synopsis

A Japanese movie which was inspired by the true story of a dog who failed her police dog test 5 times in a row, the film stars 18-year-old model/actress Kaho as Kyoko, an aspiring police dog trainer who wants to follow in her late father’s footsteps. She instantly feels a connection with newborn puppy Kinako, who was initially bred to be a good police dog but ended up being the runt of the litter and the least athletic of all her brothers and sisters. In spite of this, Kyoko is taken with her new training partner and spends her time trying to get the uncoordinated Kinako to make even one jump. Over time, Kyoko begins to have doubts about whether Kinako will ever make it as a police dog and considers letting her lead a different type of life.

Watch the trailer here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx90a6_M5ow (in Chinese/Japanese, full trailer)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex3s2IOpL9Q (English subtitles, 40 second snippet)

Movie details:

Date: 4 Jan, Tuesday
Venue: GV Vivo City
Time: 7pm
Approx screen time: 113 mins
Ticket price: $50 (includes a complimentary combo set comprising popcorn and drink + goodie bag)
How to book: Please go to http://www.gv.com.sg/moviedetails/gv_moviedetails_0479.jsp and reserve your seats today! Once you select Vivocity in the drop down box, click on the time and choose your seat!

A special thank you to the following sponsors who have made it possible.

1. Golden Village
2. Hall sponsorship: GL
3. Popcorn/drink combo: YG
4. Goodie bag items generously sponsored by the following:

100% of the proceeds will go towards the maintaining of the 1000 animals that live in our sanctuary in Malaysia. Some of the funds will also be diverted towards PID, Project Industrial Dogs as we strive to make Singapore stray free. For more information on either, please visit our blog at www.noahsarkcares.blogspot.com

Here we present some of the cases we have come across this past 2010. These are just a few of the animals which will benefit from your support. All of them are now residing comfortably at Noah's Ark, not needing to worry about their food or having a roof over their heads. They even have large fields and a pond to call their own!

Bruno http://noahsarkcares.blogspot.com/2010/06/brunos-plight.html , http://noahsarkcares.blogspot.com/2010/07/na-rescue-update-bruno.html
Bruno suffered from a badly infected ear that had maggots in it due to the wound being untreated. He was an Industrial dog, and Industrial dogs suffer from such dangers because they fight over territory and food. However, Bruno has since moved to Noah's Ark and is happily living there.

Marmite http://noahsarkcares.blogspot.com/2010/11/marmite.html
Marmite was abandoned right in front of our sanctuary. She was emaciated and extremely fearful of humans, resulting in aggressive behaviour. Today, she has gradually learned to trust humans and is now of a healthy weight.

(Note: We are still looking for a family to adopt on the M'sian end her but we are unsure of the adoption chances.)

Scarlet, full story to be released in early 2011.
Scarlet was rescued just a few weeks ago with a huge, gaping wound to her small body. She was just a puppy. Her sister, Charley was also rescued because she was found immobilized by mud. We are unsure of their origins as they were discovered scampering about in the field in front of our sanctuary.

Berry, full story to be released in early 2011.
Struck down by a car, Berry was an injured monkey lying by the side of the road, waiting to die till Raymund found him. It grabbed Raymund's hand as if imploring Raymund to save his life. Part of his tail and his leg had to be amputated due to gangrene, but Berry is slowly recovering and learning how to move about despite his disability.

These are just a few of the many stories that we have. You can browse through our blog articles and read all about our rescue work and the sanctuary. If you've not visited us, you should! As for those who have visited, we look forward to seeing you again at our tour, scheduled for March 2011.

Once again, thank you for your continous support and generosity. No words will ever be enough, but one thing is for sure: without each and everyone of you, Noah's Ark will not be here where it is today.

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