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Friday, 18th Feb 2011, by Noah's Ark CARES

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2nd October 2010 was my first visit to NANAS. Having read about NANAS in the papers many years ago, their selfless work as well as refreshing concept of an animal sanctuary left a lasting impression on me. Hence, I was really excited when I finally got the chance to visit NANAS on one of the public tours.

The visitors making their way into NANAS

When I first entered NANAS and saw the vast space that the animals call their home, I could just imagine hundreds of dogs, running to their hearts’ content without a care in the world. This was not far from the truth as I came to discover later. The dogs were lying around, running, snoozing, sniffing and doing their own thing. Seeing how contented the dogs looked, I really began to appreciate the work NANAS is doing. Just looking at how happy the dogs were really made my day.

Lazing around on a fine Saturday afternoon

I got to pat and play around with a couple of dogs; all of them looked really pleased to be having visitors and warmed up to us really quickly. I was wondering before the trip how friendly and accepting would the animals be to visitors, it did not take long for them to prove my doubts wrong.

Dogs checking out their visitors

Enjoying a good pat

In the rabbit enclosure

Rabbits lazing around

I joined the public tour expecting a fun time with the animals and I got more than I expected. At NANAS, one is able to see the bond humans and animals can have. The way the dogs behaved towards the volunteers and full time staff was one out of love and trust. One could also see the genuine care and love that the volunteers and staff at NANAS have for the animals as well. The way both visitors and the animals warmed up to each other is also testament to the bond between humans and animals.

Also, I came to have an enormous respect for founder Mr Wee as well as all the volunteers and staff of NANAS. Taking care and housing these animals is definitely no easy task, especially since it is an uphill battle that they are facing. To be giving their time and resources for the sake of these animals is something that really deserves our respect and support. Do consider volunteering or/and donating to their cause as your contribution would go a long way in maintaining this sanctuary that the animals call their home.

If you are an animal lover, NANAS is definitely a place that you should visit. Come and see for yourself how the animals live and of course, play with them. NANAS is not only a ‘sanctuary’ for the animals, it is one for everyone as well. A visit to NANAS is a really good break from hectic city life in Singapore. I found myself reluctant to leave when the tour was concluding. I will definitely be looking out for the next public tour!

Good job NANAS, staff and volunteers!

**Article and pictures contributed by Samuel Lee.

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