Hello everyone!
Before I start, I want to thank everyone who came for our previous tour! The animals were elated that they were showered with much love and attention. The dogs were hugged, scratched and patted, the cats were cuddled and the horses enjoyed their fill of apples and carrots. The rabbits hopped with joy and the guinea pigs squeaked with excitement at the sight of goodies like chye sim, apples, and carrots our visitors brought. Even Starbuck, our darling monkey, could not wait to pick his treats from your hands! Can you imagine that up close and personal experience with all the animals at the sanctuary?
We are pleased to inform you that our next public tour will be held on Saturday, 26th March. Please register and reserve your seats early to avoid disappointment.
To register, please send an email to noahsarkcares@gmail.com, with the registration & payment details:
Passenger #1 Full name (as in passport): Passport number: Passport expiry date: Date of birth (DDMMYY): Nationality: Gender: Mobile number:
Passenger #2 Full name (as in passport): Passport number: Passport expiry date: Date of birth (DDMMYY): Nationality: Gender: Mobile number:
(so on and so forth)
PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete details will NOT BE ENTERTAINED. Do take the extra 5mins to double check ALL DETAILS here have been filled up.
Please note that seats will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. It costs just S$60/pax and this includes transport to and fro plus a yummy dinner. Please inform us should you have special dietary requirements. We will do our best to accommodate you.
Itinerary for the day tour:
Please be at Boon Lay MRT Passenger Pick-Up Point at 1.30pm as attendance needs to be taken. Transport to and fro is from the Boon Lay Passenger Pick up point, i.e. Boon Lay MRT. It is at the same side as the interchange where many bicycles are parked.
 2.00 pm - Depart Boon Lay for Noah's Ark 3.30 pm - Arrive at the Sanctuary 5.30 pm - Depart Noah's Ark for Dinner 6.00 pm - Time for dinner! 7.30pm - Depart for Singapore
This tour is limited to 86 pax, so book your seats now!
Modes of payment:
1. Cheque. Please issue your cheque to "Noah's Ark CARES" and send it to 42 Cairnhill Road, #02-01, S (229661). Please write on the back of the cheque "March 2011 Tour".
2. Alternatively you can do an ATM transfer or Internet Banking to our any of our 2 Bank accounts:
For transfer to OCBC BANK:
Bank: OCBC Bank (OCBCSGSG) Acct No: 501-827745-001 Acct Name: Noah's Ark Companion Animal Rescue & Edn Society Branch: OCBC Head Office Branch Code: 501 Bank Code: 7339
For transfer to DBS BANK:
Bank: DBS Account type: DBS CURRENT Acct number: 012-900823-0 Acct name: Noah's Ark CARES Branch Code: 012 Bank Code: 7171
** After the successful TT, kindly email us the following details for our accounting purposes:
Name: Bank: Date: Ref: Amount:
PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete details will NOT BE ENTERTAINED. Do take the extra 5mins to double check ALL DETAILS here have been filled up (applies to Ibanking ONLY).
**Please note the following terms & conditions;
1) There will be no refund if you do not show up on that day. The money will be taken as a donation to the animals of Noah's Ark. Thank you. 2) Substitutes are acceptable, but only one change of name/person is allowed and it must occur 1 week before the departure date. 3) Children below 5 years old are not advised to visit unless they have no fear of being surrounded by many dogs at one time. Parents/Guardians will have to be responsible for their children/ward at the sanctuary.
We look forward to seeing you soon at Noah's Ark!
Yours truly, Noah's Ark volunteers
www.noahsarkcares.com www.noahsarkcares.blogspot.com
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