I was at the clinic at 5.30pm sharp waiting for Chewie to arrive. Just as I parked my car, Lina texted to say Chewie had eaten on her own! Yay! That was great news, so I quickly told both our vets and showed them the photo Lina had sent from her phone.
This is heaven-sent!
Then, we all waited for Chewie's arrival.
Chewie came in a big cardboard box. Hi Chewie!!
 She definitely looks better than yesterday.
She has gained weight too!
Lina brought the medicine along because it was a little bit difficult to feed it to Chewie.
This is how you do it...
Hey Chewie! Lookin' good...
Both vets checking Chewie... My, my....aren't you a VIP! Or should I say, VIC (Very Important Cat)!
The vet decided to take off the bandage to examine the wound.
Still a bit wet...
Let her walk a bit...and let's observe her movements.
Chewie walked very normally. No falling over. So, the vet said the falling over was due to a loss of balance because of the bandage. Ahh...so that's not so worrisome then.
What are ya'll looking at?
The vet showing Lina how to carry a cat...by the scruff because that's how their mothers carry them.
Bandage back again.
Lina learning how to feed medicine to Chewie.
Come on, Chewie...be good, please. Tilt the head higher, Lina.
So, the vets were very happy with Chewie's progress.
Lina would have to change Chewie's bandage every two days or so. Lina was given iodine ointment to apply onto the wound.
Just before we left the clinic, Chewie poo-ed! The vet examined the poo and said it was "nice poo". No more diarrhoea. That's really great!
Okay, Chewie...we're going home now.
Lina wanted to buy a carrier for Chewie, so I took them to Amy Lim's shop in SS18.
In the car, apparently, Chewie climbed all the way up and out of the box. Oh wow...that's a very tall box too.
Choosing the most suitable carrier.
But Chewie had her eye on something....well, a little softer.
A cat cushion.
Before anyone could stop her, she crawled right in and settled herself comfortably onto it.
I want.....please?
Well....how could anyone say "no" to a face like that, right?
It's all yours, Chewie.
So, Lina, Doris and Angie took Chewie home, on a stylish and comfortable cat-cushion, with a carrier in tow.
We hope to hear good news every day now.
Way to go, Chewie!!
Kudos to Lina, and all of Chewie's god-mothers and one god-father!
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