
The Peaceful Ones


Tabs and Tiger spend most of the day outside Bunny’s Place now because the “titanic tension” inside is getting a bit too much for the tabbies to bear.


Tiger and Tabs are friends with Ginger.


But Tabs is very clever. She tries to trick us into letting Indy (her good friend) out as well.

Here’s how she does it: She stands in front of the grille, as though asking to be let in.


Then, the moment we open the grille, Tabs runs and out comes Indy.

But Indy coming out is a no-no. Why so?

1. Indy marks because he is super alpha. That would be a nightmare.

2. Indy has a vendetta against Vincent and Ginger and will attack them. And an Indy-Attack on any cat requires a trip to the vet’s with at least 7 days of antibiotics. Please…no. Have mercy on me, please.

3. Indy will scale the netting in a split second and be out in the playground or further.

So, we cannot let Indy out no matter how well-intentioned Tabs’ plans are.


Ginger, Daffodil and Rosie know how to scale the netting to get out whenever they like.

Tabs and Tiger (s0 far) don’t scale the netting, but to play it safe, we only let them out when they are supervised.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/12/10/the-peaceful-ones/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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