


“This afternoon I spent 3 and a half hours looking for pups thrown in the frozen ditch along with their mother. Ii found just two. The guy who called me with the info says there were more so I’m going again in the morning to see if I can find more of them in the daylight. The mother and the pups are in terrible condition, very thin and filled with worms fleas and ticks. All suffer from rachitis and the mom has bite marks all over her. She is about a year year and a half old and the pups are about a month, month and a half. Life sucks for dogs in Croatia, especially in the winter. During the spring they might have a chance of surviving on the street but in the sub zero 0 conditions they don’t stand a chance.” – Reported by Rescuer Petra Puvaca of Udruga za zaštitu životinja Sedma od Devet in Zagreb

The Harmony Fund has just sent a donation for the dogs’ care and we’re hoping for good news that the other pups will be found today. Thank you to all who donate to allow us to reach out and help in these cases.


Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=661403250549657&set=a.661403243882991.1073741852.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=8



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