
Updates On 30th Nov 2013


Just one more day until our very own Sabrina runs 42km for Singapore’s monkeys! Please support her!

Sabrina, who works for our newly-formed Macaque Rescue Team, is taking part in the Standard Chartered Marathon on 1st December to raise funds to help Singapore’s macaques.

Please read her message below, and go to http://www.simplygiving.com/savesgmonkeys to support her.

Good luck, Sabrina!

“I am with the Macaque Rescue Team at ACRES. I left my 5year career with the Singapore Zoo as I found myself deeply affected by the threats that the Long Tailed Macaques have been facing. They are forced to leave their natural habitat to make way for land developments. They are being trapped and culled randomly when residents refuse to co-exist. Illegal snares have been set up to trap these monkeys and often they are left to bleed to death or live a life with a missing limb. These highly intelligent and misunderstood monkeys are our native wildlife and they need to be protected. My mission is to save the monkeys by inspiring the hearts of many to understand and then want to conserve these monkeys.

I am taking part in the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2013 in 01/12/2013 and I aim to raise money for ACRES as part of the Save the Long Tailed Macaques campaign. This will be my first full marathon. I have been training hard for this and every km is dedicated towards saving the monkeys.

I am passionate in this mission and hence, crazy enough to dedicate a 42km run for the monkeys. Will you help the monkeys too? Please dig deep and donate, it doesn’t matter how much as every little counts! The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity.”

Much love,

Sabrina Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151834176286523&set=a.223077136522.136042.22159071522&type=1&relevant_count=1




ACRES (Animal Concerns Research & Education Society) is a pioneering Singapore-based charity and Institution of Public Character, founded by Singaporeans in 2001 with the aim of promoting animal welfare.

ACRES has six focus areas: Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Wildlife Crime Investigation, Zoo Animal Welfare, Humane Education, Community Outreach and Promoting Cruelty-Free Living.

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