
Medical Subsidy For A Sporo-Cat, Bosco (Zahratul Akmar Noordins)


We have subsidised RM30 for the medication for sporo-cat, Bosco. This subsidy comes from the AnimalCare Donors.

We have referred Zahratul to one of our readers who may be able to help her purchase the original Sporonox. As far as the sporo cases we have helped go, the original medication works very much more effectively than the generic one.

From:zahratul akmar
Date: Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 12:10 PM
Subject: Bosco
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Hello Kah Yein,
It’s been some time since I wrote and hope that you are in good health.
I don’t know what’s with me that sick animals seem to find its way around me.
There’s this male cat terrorist, whom I named Bosco who comes around for fights with my cats and other cats in the neighbourhood.
However, when I see him I would shoo him away with water gun and off he went. I’ve not seen him around for a couple of weeks until last Tuesday morning. I shooed him off but he didn’t budge until I saw wounds on his neck and ears.
It looked quite bad and I suspected Sporo and this was confirmed by the vet.
What was more pressing was that his nose was swollen and the left nostril was already blocked while the right was getting there too. The vet mentioned that the worst case scenario is that if his nose is completely blocked he would not be able to breathe nor smell food and recommended PTS. It was a difficult decision for me but i opted for a week course of sporanox and vit C and E in the hope that the swelling will subside. If he pulls through this hurdle, the whole treatment may take about 6 months and am wondering if you or your readers know where to purchase sporanox.
Its going to be a long haul and i hope to have the patience and strength looking after him as he had found me.
I’ll send photos of him later.

mini-PicMonkey Collage

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/11/30/medical-subsidy-for-a-sporo-cat-bosco-zahratul-akmar-noordins/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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