Updates On 29th Oct 2013
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Many of you know we’ve been raising money for the dog and cat orphans of Romania. In particular, this week, we’ve been trying to pull together the down payment for the so-called “Magic Land” – a special property that will become the new home to the animals who take sanctuary in Norica Prigoana’s rescue program. There’s ample space for all the animals to sleep indoors and stay warm and dry and plenty of fenced land to run and play.
CAN SHE COME TOO? This dear dog is a senior girl living at one of the municipal shelters. We’re told she’s afraid to leave the corner of her kennel. She won’t play and has little interest in her food. Our dream is to welcome her to Norica’s love-filled rescue center as soon as we’re able to relocate.
We’re so thankful to all of you who are donating and SHARING. Donations will help us save this sweetheart and to safeguard thousands of dogs and cats with food, shelter and protection from cruelty.
SUPER QUICK & EASY DONATION PAGE http://animalrescuechase.com/donation/rescue-in-romania.html#page-top Thank you everyone!!!!
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=643421679014481&set=a.135131043176883.16781.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=1
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