
Some Reflections On The Plight Of Community Animals And Their Caregivers


It really, really scared me when my friend’s cats got captured the other day. It was so unexpected. All it took was ONE animal-hating person to lodge the complaint.

And yesterday, someone else called me to seek help. The management of her apartment has organised an “Operasi Menangkap Kucing” and she fears for the safety of the community cats whom she feeds. If the cats are captured, where will they be sent to? We just want to know so that the owners can pay the fine (if any) and get them back. I have been trying all night to find out from whatever resources I have, but nobody could provide an answer.

Our laws are not kind to street animals. That’s the reality of the situation. Any street animal found free roaming is considered a “kacau-ganggu” and can be removed. Certain apartment areas do not allow pets. This means apartment dwellers cannot own pets. But in this day and age, can everyone afford a piece of landed property? Does this mean that children who grow up living in apartments will not be able to ever have a companion animal?

Our laws are not kind. We can scream “Injustice!” all we want but the bottom line is, we are governed by laws. And animals don’t get to vote.Animal-lovers are a minority everywhere in the world and the authorities will only listen to the majority. Unless and until laws are changed, the fate and plight of street animals will continue being what it is now.

You may see so-called “stray-free” cities in other parts of the world, but I’m told the animal-catchers do their job when nobody is looking, when people are asleep. Otherwise, how can any city be stray-free? Animals far outnumber humans. Which city does not have an animal pound? If cities boast of being stray-free, why do they still have a pound?

The only thing we can do is to keep our animals as safe as possible and hope and pray hard that our actions in being kind to animals will set an example that might make a positive difference to the mindset of animal haters.

Education by example takes a long, long time to take effect, but does anyone have a better idea?

We try so hard to promote and push for CNRM or TNR. But for it to work, it requires the majority of the human population to be at least willing to accept the presence of neutered animals in their neighbourhood.

Those who are against TNR insists that TNR will not “work”. They will give you the statistics to prove their point. Granted, then what works? Does capture-and-kill work? If it does, why are there still strays on the streets after decades of capturing and killing? If neither works, then isn’t it better to opt for the lesser of the two evils? The more compassionate option?

Killing is just a “convenient” way to temporarily remove a problem, but is it right to kill? Which religion in the world condones killing? When is killing ever right? “Do not kill” is in every major religious teachings, so when does killing ever become right?

Isn’t it more compassionate to neuter than to kill?

What goes around comes around. How do people sleep at night knowing that they have ordered the killing of a defenseless being whose only “crime” was being on the streets?

I sometimes hear of animal rescuers saying that they want to give up because the odds are so against them. Yes, the odds are very much against us, and that’s precisely why we must NOT give up. Nothing comes easy in life.

We are not asking anyone to go against the law. We have stopped asking for the laws to be changed because those in power are not interested to listen. Animals don’t vote. Rather than waste our time lobbying for something impossible, let’s channel our energy to hands-on work at the grassroots. Every animal saved is a precious life saved. We cannot save them all, but we can certainly make a huge difference to every innocent little life that we save.

The street animals need all the help they can get. “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going” is an understatement for animal-lovers because we are always facing obstacles and always treading the long and winding road. There is no “when”. The going is always tough. It is always a challenge.

Great people do not give up when the going gets tough. And animal caregivers are some of the greatest people around because they are caring for the most down-trodden beings on earth – the street animals, and doing it without expecting anything in return.

A life spent helping the needy, is definitely a life worth living.

dalai lama

If only all humans could embrace this simple principle, our world would be a kinder place for the animals.

If only…

Please don’t hurt them, that’s all we ask…


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/10/24/some-reflections-on-the-plight-of-community-animals/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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