
Tabs Is Home!


The clinic was unusually (or usually?) busy today, so we had to wait all day before getting Tabs’ blood test results. Blood was taken from her femoral and jugular to do a complete blood profile.

Meanwhile, this morning when I reached the clinic, Tabs had already defecated….a lot, but she hid it all covered up inside the towel and funnily, neither the vet nor I smelled it until I started cleaning up her cage. I checked the faeces – it was all completely normal and there was NO hairball at all. I showed the vet too.

So that ruled out hairball, but we had already ruled that out earlier as the vet told me that hairball does not appear on and cannot be detected on X-Rays.

Tabs was force-fed her liquid ID as usual, and I could see she was growing tired of it by now. I brought Monge Chicken but she wasn’t interested. However, I also brought a few blades of wheatgrass from home, and Tabs ate that all up!

Tabs wants to be a rabbit!!

We waited all afternoon while I sewed the Tabs-Mickey blanket and Tabs took naps in between.

By late afternoon, we received the blood test results for pancreatitis – it was negative, which means there is a 90% chance it IS NOT pancreatitis! This is based on the fact that the test kit is 90% correct. That is good news, but it baffled the vet further….then, what could it be?

It was only after 8pm that we finally got the full blood test results. Everything is as normal as can be! The only clue to Tabs’ illness is the elevated lymphocytes which suggests a viral infection. Tab’s red blood cells is actually high, which indicates she is not anaemic so that rules out hemobart.

Her globulin level is normal, so we can now safely rule of the dreaded and dreadful FIP (phew!).

The FIV and FeLV tests were both negative too (another phew!)

So, what was wrong with Tabs?

Another Indy-mystery, I suppose.

Anyway, from the symptoms and the blood test, we can only conclude that Tabs had vomiting, high fever, abdominal pain and loss of appetite. There was some infection, which was probably viral in nature.

The vet took Tabs’ temperature again and it was 38.76 degrees, which is normal! So, Tabs’ temperature has been normal all day and finally, Tabs could go home.


Tabs was clearly so bored by now.

It was almost 9.30pm when we left the clinic. Thank goodness Connie came over to accompany us since evening, so we weren’t alone when we left the clinic.

I would have to take Tabs back to the clinic for the next 5 days for her Clavomox and Marbocyl injections. The vet said there was an option of oral medication, but I don’t mind taking Tabs back. At least the vet can check on her.

And to be on the safe side, Tabs should continue being on ID for another 5 days or so. But in between, she can have her own food if she likes. She still has not quite got her appetite back yet. The vet still thinks it could have been pancreatitis, so better play it safe with the food.

It was a long drive home, especially when I am not too familiar with the roads, but we made it back home safely.

Heidi and Timmy were on hand to welcome Tabs, but I thought it is best to confine Tabs for a bit since we don’t know what she had and how she got it. The only incident she had was a fright by Timmy; could a mere fright have caused lowered immunity and everything that followed?

Here are some photos of today’s homecoming.


You’re home, Tabs!!


Indy and everyone gathered at the grille.


Since the Cow Family is a bit unpredictable and I know cats go by scent (and Tabs’ scent would have changed after being at the clinic), I though I would separate them first, at least for tonight. But I let Tiger out.





Tabs went upstairs and settled down in our bedroom.


Aww…that’s Tiger with Tabs.



I know Indy wants to come out as well, but all in good time, please.

Indy is quite a formidable force to reckon with when he comes out and right now, I am a bit too tired to handle his escapades, so please wait, Indy.

Thank you, dearest friends, for having kept vigil for Tabs through these few days. It means a lot to us. We are deeply touched and ever grateful.

And thank you very much, Dr Edmund Yeoh, for being such a caring vet. Tabs owes her life to you!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/10/07/tabs-is-home/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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